- Only the agreed parameters should be included (all which will be produced) and only on the defined levels, with the defined frequency etc.
- If the data is already in GRIB2 format it is should be encoded as UERRA test data (productionStatusOfProcessedData=9)
- Each sample dataset should be split for given day only by
- forecasting system type(deterministic/ensemble)
- forecast type (analysis/forecast)
- vertical level (pl/ml/hl/sfc/soil)
- model run(00/06/12/18UTC)
- Regarding vertical level type follow exactly the defined groups of parameters as defined in the UERRA parameters page.
- Follow this naming convention of the sample files:
where- SYTEM TYPE = det/ens for deterministic or ensemble system
- LEVEL TYPE = ml/pl/hl/sl/sl for model/pressure/height/surface or soil levels
- GRIB ENCODING = grib1/grib2 depending on GRIB edition used
- some parameters are missing compared to those specified as available from a model
- some parameters are redundant compared to those requested for UERRA
- some missing or redundant steps, levels, type of forecasts etc than requested
- wrong units
- wrong sign convention for some fluxes
- orography in m not gpm
- wrong intervals "since previous-postprocessing"
- zero fields
- some excessive unrealistic values (i.e. negative accumulated precipitation or grid point storms)
- completely wrong fields which could be revealed only by plotting and looking into the at maps (strange leftovers from interpolation; wavy patterns etc)
The data providers should fill and keep up-to-date GRIB1 parameter numbers from their input data matching UERRA parameters in the conversion tables:
The providers who produce GRIB2 files directly should follow the required encoding definitions and rules described at the following pages