Name | Units | Description |
10m wind speed | m s-1 | Magnitude of the two-dimensional horizontal air velocity near the surface. |
2m temperature | K | Temperature of the air near the surface. |
Maximum 2m temperature in the last 24 hours | K | Daily maximum near-surface air temperature. |
Minimum 2m temperature in the last 24 hours | K | Daily minimum near-surface air temperature. |
Mean precipitation flux | kg m-2s-1 | Amount of water per unit area and time. |
Mean sea level pressure | Pa | Time average of the air pressure at sea level. |
Near-surface specific humidity | 1 | Amount of moisture in the air near the surface divided by amount of air plus moist at that location. |
Near-surface relative humidity | % | Usually 2m relative humidity. This is the relative humidity with respect to liquid water for T> 0 C, and with respect to ice for T<0 CAmount of moisture in the air divided by the maximum amount of moisture that could exist in the air at a specific temperature and location. |
Snowfall | kg m-2s-1 | Mass of water in the form of snow precipitating per unit area. |
Surface solar radiation downwards | W m-2 | Radiative shortwave flux of energy downward at the surface. |