Versions Compared


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titleNot fixed issues table

Not fixed issues number

Issue typeWrong DataRecovery period
(some data could still be wrong)
Recovery Finished
(all the data has been fixed)

CDS retrievals
(forms and API)

Pressure level variables from CMCC-CM2-v20160423 (CMCC SPSv3) data.

It affects all hindcast data from the following start dates and ensemble members:

March: 2013 (member 34)
April: 2013 (members 20 and 33)
May: 2013 (members 23, 29 and 32)
June: 2013 (member 26)
July: 1993 (members 11 and 12); 2013 (member 31)
August: 1994 (member 9); 2013 (members 21, 22, 25, 27 and 28)
September: 1998 (member 19)

All variables (pressure levels and single level)from CMCC-CM2-v20160423 (CMCC SPSv3) data.

It affects all hindcast data from the following start dates and ensemble members:

March: 2013 (member 33)
July: 1996 (member 9)

archived (wrong) data won't be overwritten
CMCC SPSv3 system has been superseded by SPSv3.5

archived (wrong) data won't be overwritten
CMCC SPSv3 system has been superseded by SPSv3.5


CDS retrievals
(forms and API)

Real-time forecast data from CMCC-CM2-v20160423 (CMCC SPSv3) data.

It affects anomalies calculated using the wrong data specified in E5.a, specifically:

Pressure variables: March to September 2019
All variables: March 2019, July 2019

archived (wrong) data won't be overwritten

archived (wrong) data won't be overwritten

CDS retrievals
(forms and API)

Surface solar radiation variables from CFSv2-v20110310 (NCEP CFSv2) data.

It affects:

  • forecast data for nominal start dates October, November, December 2019 and January, February 2020
  • hindcast data (1993-2016) for nominal start dates October, November, December, January and February

Two variables - "surface net solar radiation" and "surface solar radiation downwards" - have been swapped with each other. This error affects the daily data and corresponding monthly statistics and anomalies.

data with a fix for the affected start dates will be provided
(date to be determined)

data with a fix for the affected start dates will be provided
(date to be determined)

E8.CDS retrievals
(forms and API)

Total cloud cover from JMA cps2-v20150526 (JMA/MRI-CPS2) data.

It affects all available data for that variable (daily data, monthly data and anomalies) both for real-time forecasts and hindcast dates

Due to a bug during the data ingestion to the C3S archive the values of this parameter have been divided by 100.

archived (wrong) data won't be overwritten
JMA CPS2 will be superseded by CPS3 in February 2022
archived (wrong) data won't be overwritten
JMA CPS2 will be superseded by CPS3 in February 2022
E9.CDS retrievals
(forms and API)

Sea surface temperature and land surface temperature (called 'soil temperature level 1' in the CDS) from CMCC-CM2-v20191201 (CMCC SPSv3.5) data.

It affects the following data for those two variables:

  • forecast data (daily data, monthly data and anomalies) for nominal start dates March, April, May, June and July 2022

According to CMCC report about the issue:

The problem only affects the points at the borders between the three realms (sea ice, ocean and land), and is due to a change in the land-sea or sea ice-sea mask interpolation algorithm, which was implemented in the forecasts (starting from March).
Therefore, the anomalies of the above mentioned variables show unrealistic patterns near the sea-land or sea-sea ice boundaries, because, in these grid points, the new interpolation algorithm has made the forecasts, from March onwards, inconsistent with the hindcasts.
Starting from the August 2022 real-time forecast, it will be restored the procedure used in the hindcasts.

archived (wrong) data won't be overwrittenarchived (wrong) data won't be overwritten
E10.*CDS retrievals
(forms and API)

Sea ice concentration: Météo-France System 8 hindcasts contain an error, with one ensemble member (member number=2) for the August 2004 start date. This member was initialised without sea ice: sea ice concentration recovers gradually, reaching close to climatological levels by the end of the forecast range. Note that the error in sea ice may have an impact on other variables in this member. Analysis performed by Météo-France indicates the impact on reforecast climatology is minimal (including sea-ice itself).

titleReport from Météo-France

View file

archived (wrong) data won't be overwrittenarchived (wrong) data won't be overwritten

(*) The affected member remains in the CDS, and was used in the hindcast climatology for the relevant sea ice concentration data and graphical products. This has a minimal impact on the statistics of the model climatology, and therefore on our real-time forecast products (with August starts). Feedback on this approach is welcome.


titleData gaps table

Known issue numberCentreForecasts
Start dates(1)Description


Met Office



No data is available.


Met Office

ForecastsNominal start dates previous to November 2018Monthly statistics and anomalies are just available for 50 members - specifically, the 50 members closest and previous or equal to the 1st of the nominal start month.



ForecastsNominal start dates from February to April 2018Parameter "Soil temperature at level 1" (GRIB/MARS paramId=139) is not available.

HindcastsNominal start dates from February to April


ForecastsNominal start dates from May to December 2018

HindcastsNominal start dates from May to December

(all systems)
HindcastsNominal start date January 1993January 1993 data is not available.
MetOffice system produces hindcasts from January 1993 to December 2016, and due to the way nominal start dates are assigned, January 1993 would require data from December 1992 which are not produced by the MetOffice system.


No data is available.
An issue with assimilation of sea-ice data was reported by the MetOffice affecting forecasts initialised on 22 and 23 February 2021. Due to the potential impact of that wrong sea-ice initialisation throughout the forecast, those start dates haven't been processed by C3S.

titleMore details here

The GloSea6 forecasts initialised on 22 and 23 February were initialised with low Arctic sea ice extents. This resulted from corrupt data used in the derivation of ocean initial conditions. The sea ice largely recovers in these forecasts, but is biased low through the whole 6-month forecast compared to neighbouring days.

Initial sea-ice conditions for different GloSea6 February 2021 start dates:

Evolution of sea-ice fraction forecasts for different GloSea6 February 2021 start dates:

Forecasts20220102 to
No data is available.
JMA CPS3 started its operational production at JMA on the 12th January 2022


Due to a technical issue with the acquisition at ECMWF of MetOffice data, member 106 was incomplete.

To fix this in the archive the data from one member from system 600 (same forecasting system) for this start date was used to substitute member 106


No data is available.
Due to a technical issue with the acquisition at ECMWF of NCEP data, all 4 members initialised on 22/May/2023 (00, 06, 12 and 18h) were not correctly transmitted.





Member 002 is missing. It will not be replaced.





Ocean (monthly) data files are missing for both member 001 and 002.

Due to a technical issue with the Due to a technical issue with the acquisition at ECMWF of MetOffice GloSea6 data, some data files have been lost and are not recoverable. This only affects these two members, but only for the ocean monthly data, for everything else in the atmospheric datasets (daily, monthly and anomalies) and downstream products these two the affected members are available.


Ocean (monthly) data files are missing for both member 001 and 002.

nominal start date

Ocean (monthly) data files are missing for a set of 66 ensemble members (see below)Due to a technical issue with the acquisition at ECMWF of MetOffice GloSea6 data, some data files have been lost and are not recoverable. This affects the following list of ensemble members (66 in total), but only for the ocean monthly data, for everything else in the atmospheric datasets (daily, monthly and anomalies) and downstream products these two members are available.

titlelist of missing ensemble members

1994202, 205
1995202205, 206
1996202, 205206
1997202, 204, 205
1998202, 203, 205206
1999202, 205204, 205
2005202204, 205
2006202, 205204, 205
2007202, 205204, 205
2008202, 204, 205202, 204, 205
2009202204, 205
2010202, 205204
2011202, 205205
2012202, 205204
204, 205
205204, 205

nominal start date

Ocean (monthly) data files are missing for a set of 3 ensemble members (see below)

titlelist of missing ensemble members

20071201: member 207
20081201: member 207
20151125: member 205

nominal start date

Ocean (monthly) data files are missing for a set of 3 ensemble members (see below)

titlelist of missing ensemble members

20081217: member 203
19991209: member 202
20001209: member 203

Data irregularities

titleData irregularities table

Known issue numberCentreForecast or hindcastDescription
(all systems)

MetOffice real-time component is designed to produce a constant number of members each start date (see Description of the C3S seasonal multi-system).

In those rare occasions when the MetOffice is not able to produce some of the expected members for a given start date, the affected members will be missing. Instead of re-running precisely those missing members, the MetOffice system schedules the run on a later start date of as many additional members as they were missing.

The following table records all the occurrences of this irregularity by listing the dates when some members are missing (and how many of them) and the dates when additional members were produced.

SystemMissing membersAdditional members 

Start date

Start date


This document has been produced in the context of the Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S).

The activities leading to these results have been contracted by the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts, operator of C3S on behalf of the European Union (Delegation agreement signed on 11/11/2014). All information in this document is provided "as is" and no guarantee or warranty is given that the information is fit for any particular purpose.

The users thereof use the information at their sole risk and liability. For the avoidance of all doubt, the European Commission and the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts have no liability in respect of this document, which is merely representing the author's view.


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