Versions Compared


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1. Brief  description:

The data fields of geopotential on pressure levels 500 hPa and higher are wrong as per attached examples since the 29 March, 2017.

2. Recommendation:

Wait for fix in both real-time and reforecast outputs.

Soil initial data issue affecting mainly surface fields in the real-time forecasts (9-17.6.2019). Fixed by the 25th of June 2019



1. Brief  description:

Wrong soil initial data has been used in the real-time forecasts. Please refer to the below graphs and maps below illustrating the issue (see soil initial fields and comparison of forecast anomalies).

soil initial data.pngcomparison of forecast anomaly(realtime - reforecast).png

2. Recommendation:

If KMA real-time data from the given runs was downloaded in the period 9-25.6.2019, it should be deleted and the correct version of the data downloaded again.



1. Brief  description:

The first real-time run archived with the new model version (GloSea6-GC3.2) is   in contrary to the first reforecast one which is only one month later   

2. Recommendation:

Users should consider that when using the KMA reforecasts in that intermediate period between the KMA model changes from to .

JMA (rjtd)


Wrong values of  Time-integrated top net thermal radiation after the model upgrade to GloSea6 Fixed by the 27th of June 2022.

1. Brief  description:

See an illustration of the impact of the acknowledged issue in this document.

The accumulated parameters except for total precipitation (tp) are wrong in the real-time and re-forecast data. Fixed 15th March 2017 in the real-time forecasts.

1. Brief  description:

Periods of bugs:

  • Real-time forecasts data from JMA from 1st January 2015 to 15th March 2017
  • Full re-forecasts data for the model version: 2014-03-04

See an illustration of the impact of the acknowledged issue in this document.

Meteo-France (lfpw)

Interpolation error in ALL data between 19 May and 16 June 2016. Fixed 17th June 2016

The values of Time-integrated top net thermal radiation (paramId=179) were about 100x larger than thee should be because of the time unit conversion error. The affected periods were:

  • real-time forecasts:   -  
  • on-the-fly reforecasts:   -  

Please refer to the maps below illustrating the issue:

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2. Recommendation:

If the affected data described above was downloaded in the period until , it should be deleted and the correct version of the data re-downloaded.

Problematic real-time KMA forecasts because of an error in the ocean initial field Fixed on the 26th of July 2022.

1. Brief  description:

All S2S parameters were affected in that period. The corrected data was re-archived on June 17 2016.

The problem on the provider's side was caused by a bug in the last versions of EMOS and MARS (issued in March) that was avoided by using the previous version of MARS.There was a problem with the production of the forecast data due to an error in the ocean initial field (During the process of changing the KMA Ocean Data Assimilation System, the date setting error occurred. December's ocean initial data were used to run Glosea6, with model results showed DJF season trends). It affected only short period   -  

2. Recommendation:


M-F data from the given period was downloaded in the period 19.5.2016-17.6.2016.

the affected data was downloaded before , it should be deleted and the


fixed version of the data re-downloaded



Wrong 10-meter wind fields Fixed since 22nd October 2020 in the upgraded model version CNRM-CM 6.1
Issues in the real-time KMA forecasts because of an error in the sea ice initial field  Fixed on the 19th of May 2023.

1. Brief  description:

10-meter wind fields (zonal and meridian) are effectively wrong.

2. Recommendation:

Not to use 10-meter wind  data at all until the next Meteo-France forecast system update (estimated in 2019).

The issue has been fixed since 22nd October 2020 in the new model version Meteo-France Model Description CNRM-CM 6.1

Wrong surface solar radiation downwards (ssrd)  data

Update on  03-11-2017:

Our 'ssrd' field is actually correct. The issue described last month only concerns our seasonal forecast system, but not our S2S system.

1. Brief  description:

All ssrd data is affected  (values are much too high; it comes from a post-processing issue where the direct downward solar radiation has been mistakenly added to the total (i.e. direct + diffuse) downward solar radiation). The issue will be neither fixed in the past re-forecasts nor in the past forecasts as it would require excessive work. It has not been fixed in new forecasts either in order to avoid inconsistencies with the re-forecast and previous forecasts.

2. Recommendation:

Not to use ssrd data at all until the next Meteo-France forecast system update (estimated in 2019).
Higher resolution of sea ice cover and sea surface temperature (not error just a technical exception)

Problem was identified  in the initial fields for the real-time forecasts (reforecasts were not affected):

"Sea ice initial values were prescribed along the coastline of the Northern Hemisphere's mid-to-high latitudes when the model ran due to problems with pre-processing of the sea ice initial field. (First slide, some of the Southern Hemisphere was also abnormally values prescribed.)

The longer the lead time(t=60), the bigger the difference of ice cover and SST in the results. (2nd to 3rd slides).

In the case of 2m temperature(4th slide), it was confirmed that the temperature was low with a distribution similar to the incorrectly prescribed sea ice values, and the spatial distribution disappeared after 8 days, but there was a difference in the forecast values.

Only some ocean parameters and 2m temperaturewere checked, but it affected other atmospheric variables too."

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2. Recommendation:

If the affected data was downloaded, it should be deleted and the fixed version of the data re-downloaded once available.

Three problematic ocean parameters  

1. Brief  description:

Three of nine newly introduced ocean parameters in KMA model outputs since the 1st of July 2023 seem to be problematic:

  1. Average salinity in the upper 300m

  2. Depth of 20C isotherm

  3. Mean sea water potential temperature in the upper 300 m

It was decided to remove them from the archive since   resp  in the realtime resp  in the reforecast outputs (The reforecasts are produced fairly in advance).

2. Recommendation:

Users are adviced not to use those  parameters archived before their discontinuation.

3. Solution:

Parameters discontinued since   resp  in the realtime resp  in the reforecast outputs

JMA (rjtd)

The valid times of the maximum/minimum temperature are wrong  in the re-forecast data (impacts ALL hindcast data for the model version: 2014-03-04).

1. Brief  description:

See an illustration of the impact of the acknowledged issue in this document.

The accumulated parameters except for total precipitation (tp) are wrong in the real-time and re-forecast data. Fixed 15th March 2017 in the real-time forecasts.

1. Brief  description:

Periods of bugs:

  • Real-time forecasts data from JMA from 1st January 2015 to 15th March 2017
  • Full re-forecasts data for the model version: 2014-03-04

See an illustration of the impact of the acknowledged issue in this document.

Meteo-France (lfpw)

Interpolation error in ALL data between 19 May and 16 June 2016. Fixed 17th June 2016

1. Brief  description:

All S2S parameters were affected in that period. The corrected data was re-archived on June 17 2016.

The problem on the provider's side was caused by a bug in the last versions of EMOS and MARS (issued in March) that was avoided by using the previous version of MARS.

2. Recommendation:

If M-F data from the given period was downloaded in the period 19.5.2016-17.6.2016. it should be deleted and the correct version of the data downloaded again.
Wrong 10-meter wind fields Fixed since 22nd October 2020 in the upgraded model version CNRM-CM 6.1

1. Brief  description:

10-meter wind fields (zonal and meridian) are effectively wrong.

2. Recommendation:

Not to use 10-meter wind  data at all until the next Meteo-France forecast system update (estimated in 2019).

The issue has been fixed since 22nd October 2020 in the new model version Meteo-France Model Description CNRM-CM 6.1

Wrong surface solar radiation downwards (ssrd)  data

Update on  03-11-2017:

Our 'ssrd' field is actually correct. The issue described last month only concerns our seasonal forecast system, but not our S2S system.

1. Brief  description:

All ssrd data is affected  (values are much too high; it comes from a post-processing issue where the direct downward solar radiation has been mistakenly added to the total (i.e. direct + diffuse) downward solar radiation). The issue will be neither fixed in the past re-forecasts nor in the past forecasts as it would require excessive work. It has not been fixed in new forecasts either in order to avoid inconsistencies with the re-forecast and previous forecasts.

2. Recommendation:

Not to use ssrd data at all until the next Meteo-France forecast system update (estimated in 2019).
Higher resolution of sea ice cover and sea surface temperature (not error just a technical exception)

1. Brief  description:

Two surface  parameters (sea ice cover and sea surface temperature) after the model upgrade to the version CNRM-CM6.1 have higher resolution (1x1)  than the other surface parameters (1.5x1.5) in both real-time (since 2020-10-22) and reforecast (model version date 2019-07-01) outputs. That higher resolution is the same as the one agreed for the newly added 9 ocean parameters. 

2. Recommendation:

If needed, users can retrieve those parameters with the same resolution as other surface parameters (1.5/1.5 degree regular lat-lon grid) by specifying it explicitly in their Web-API requests.
Wrong 2 metre minimum and maximum temperature

1. Brief  description:

Two surface  parameters (sea ice cover and sea surface temperature) after the After the  Meteo-France model upgrade to the version version CNRM-CM6.1 have higher resolution (1x1)  than the other surface parameters (1.5x1.5) in both real-time (since 2020-10-22) and reforecast (model version date 2019-07-01) outputs. That higher resolution is the same as the one agreed for the newly added 9 ocean parameters. 

2. Recommendation:

If needed, users can retrieve those parameters with the same resolution as other surface parameters (1.5/1.5 degree regular lat-lon grid) by specifying it explicitly in their Web-API requests.
Wrong 2 metre minimum and maximum temperature

, there is an issue with 2 metre minimum and maximum temperature. Those two surface  fields (parameters mn2t6 and mx2t6)  are identical.  Basically, instead of the correct values of 2m Tmin/Tmax,  the mean 2-meter temperature over the past 6 hours is provided. This error affects both the real-time data since the real-time forecasts since the 22nd October 2020 and also the corresponding set of the fixed reforecasts (1993-2017) archived under the model version date 2019-07-01 in MARS archive

2. Recommendation:

As this error cannot be easily fixed in the reforecast data,  it was decided not to fix for consistency the real-time forecast fields either. 

A sort of possible workaround for users needing 2m Tmin/Tmax fields at the daily (24-hourly) time step is to compute the minimum (maximum) over the four 6-hourly  values of a given day. The result would be less sharp than it should, thus it is not fully satisfactory and correct solution.

Occasionally high values of Sea-ice thickness

1. Brief  description:

The values of Sea-ice thickness after the model upgrade to the version CNRM-CM6.1 can be occasionally (very rarelly) unusualy higher than usually. Their maxima could reach 160. According to French sea-ice specialists it is not a numerical problem, although such values are very unusual.  For example in one of the cases, a dynamical forcing has been found, explaining such massive sea-ice thickening located between 2 islands of the Canadian Arctic archipelago (a rapid increase of meridional surface current has led to sea-ice piling up along the shore of a canadian island).  The data from the described case were considered valid and thus  allowed to be archived.

2. Recommendation:

Users should be aware of this

1. Brief  description:

After the  Meteo-France model upgrade to the version CNRM-CM6, there is an issue with 2 metre minimum and maximum temperature. Those two surface  fields (parameters mn2t6 and mx2t6)  are identical.  Basically, instead of the correct values of 2m Tmin/Tmax,  the mean 2-meter temperature over the past 6 hours is provided. This error affects both the real-time data since the real-time forecasts since the 22nd October 2020 and also the corresponding set of the fixed reforecasts (1993-2017) archived under the model version date 2019-07-01 in MARS archive

2. Recommendation:

As this error cannot be easily fixed in the reforecast data,  it was decided not to fix for consistency the real-time forecast fields either. 

A sort of possible workaround for users needing 2m Tmin/Tmax fields at the daily (24-hourly) time step is to compute the minimum (maximum) over the four 6-hourly  values of a given day. The result would be less sharp than it should, thus it is not fully satisfactory and correct solution.

BoM (ammc)

Wrong maximum values of surface air maximum temperature (Tmax) at some points for BoM  data
