TIGGE research
The following websites are closely linked to TIGGE:.
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TIGGE Museum
The TIGGE Museum is curated by Dr Mio Matsueda of the Universities of Oxford and Tsukuba, and the website is hosted at the University of Tsukuba Its exhibits include:
- Selected verification statistics calculated from the TIGGE forecasts
- Maps showing ensemble-based forecasts of severe weather for different regions
- Forecasts of the Madden-Julian Oscillation and blocking
- Sample scripts to show how to download and plot TIGGE data
TIGGE Cyclone Website
This website, based at CAWCR, is primarily focused on the exchange of information about forecast tracks for tropical cyclones, including the definition of the Cyclone XML (CXML) data format. It also includes information about how both extratropical and tropical cyclones are tracked by the TIGGE data providers.
Projects using TIGGE data
GEOWOW is a 3-year project (2011-2014) co-funded by the EU Seventh Framework Programme to improve access to Earth Observation data via GEOSS (Global Earth Observing Gystem of Systems). The GEOWOW project included implementation of improvements to the TIGGE data portal at ECMWF, including TIGL. GEOSS is coordinated by the Group on Earth Observations (GEO).
SWFDP (Severe Weather Forecast Demonstration Project) is a WMO project to strengthen capacity in National Meteorological and Hydrological Services in developing and least developed countries to deliver improved forecasts and warnings of severe weather to save lives, livelihoods and property. Using TIGGE data, new probabilistic forecast products have been developed to support the SWFDP, with the help of funding from GEOWOW.
WWRP & THORPEX websites
TIGGE is a project under the auspices of the WMO World Weather Research Programme (WWRP); it was originally set up as major part of the THORPEX research programme to accelerate improvements in weather forecasts of high-impact weather.
Year of Tropical Convection (YOTC) – a joint project of WWRP-THORPEX and WCRP to address the challenge of representing convection in global atmospheric models.
Other websites
The JMA lead centre on ensemble verification website publishes comparisons of ensemble verification statistics. While not formally linked to TIGGE, this includes verification statistics for ensemble forecasts made by most TIGGE data providers.