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To start a job,
the ecflow_server uses the content of the ECF_JOB_CMD
By modifying this variable, it is possible to control
where and
how a
job file will run.
The command should be used in
conjunctions conjunction with the
variable ECF_JOB and ECF_JOBOUT.
The ECF_JOB variable contains the
job file path and ECF_JOBOUT contains
the path of a file where the output of the job will be written. The default command:
Note |
ECF_JOB_CMD = %ECF_JOB% 1> %ECF_JOBOUT% 2>&1 & |
Let us run the tasks on a remote machine. For that, we could use the unix UNIX command rshssh.
We would like the name of the host to be defined by
an a variable called HOST.
We assume that all the files are visible on all the hosts, ie.eg. using NFS.
In the examples below replace the string ?????? with a host name of your choice.
Note |
The environment of a task running on a remote host is can be different from that of a task running locally. This It depends on how your system is set up. The head.h should already be using the correct PATH, to allow child command‘s s to be used. > export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/apps/ecflow/%ECF_VERSION% /bin |
To use ssh requires your public key to be available on the destination machine.
Check if you can log on to the remote machine through ssh without a password check.
If you need to enter a password you will need to add your public key on the destination machine. To do this issue the following commands:
You may experience other problems using rsh, caused by standard unix issues.
Make sure that the file $HOME/.rhosts contains a line with your user ID and
the machine where your server is running. Each line of these files has the format:
Code Block |
language | bash |
title | no password for ssh connection | .rhosts |
hostname [username]
REMOTE_HOST=?????? # change me
ssh $USER@$REMOTE_HOST mkdir -p \$HOME/.ssh # if you are prompted for a password use your Training password that was provided
cat $HOME/.ssh/id_rsa.pub || ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 2048
cat $HOME/.ssh/id_rsa.pub | ssh $USER@$REMOTE_HOST 'cat >> $HOME/.ssh/authorized_keys'
Modify the family f5 so that all its tasks will run on another machine in the classroom.
Code Block |
# Definition of the suite test
suite test
edit ECF_INCLUDE "$HOME/course"
edit ECF_HOME "$HOME/course"
limit l1 2
family f5
edit HOST ??????
edit ECF_OUT /tmp/$USER
edit ECF_JOB_CMD "rshssh %HOST% 'mkdir -p %ECF_OUT%/%SUITE%/%FAMILY% && %ECF_JOB% > %ECF_JOBOUT% 2>&1 &'"
inlimit l1
edit SLEEP 20
task t1
task t2
task t3
task t4
task t5
task t6
task t7
task t8
task t9
endsuite |
If your login shell is csh, you should define ECF_JOB_CMD as:
Code Block |
edit ECF_JOB_CMD "rshssh %HOST% 'mkdir -p %ECF_OUT%/%SUITE%/%FAMILY%; %ECF_JOB% >& %ECF_JOBOUT%'" |
In python modify the function create_family_f5() created in the earlier page:
#!/usr/bin/env python2.7
Code Block |
language | py |
title | $HOME/course/test.py |
import os
from ecflow import |
Defs,Suite,Family,Task,Edit,Trigger,Complete,Event,Meter,Time,Day,Date,Label, \
def create_family_f5() :
f5 =ecflow.)f5.add_inlimitf5.add_variable("HOST", " Edit(SLEEP=20,
HOST='????? |
f5.add_variable("ECF_JOB_CMD", "rsh %HOST% '%ECF_JOB% > %ECF_JOBOUT% 2>&1 &'")
f5.add_variable("SLEEP", 20)
for i in range(1, 10):
ECF_OUT = '/tmp/%s' % os.getenv("USER"),
f5.add_task( "t"ECF_LOGPORT='?????', # port=$((35000 + |
print "Creating suite definition"
defs = ecflow.Defs()
suite = defs.add_suite("test")
suite.add_variable("ECF_INCLUDE", ECF_JOB_CMD="ssh %HOST% 'mkdir -p %ECF_OUT%/%SUITE%/%FAMILY%; %ECF_JOB% > %ECF_JOBOUT% 2>&1 &'"),
[ Task('t{}'.format(i)) for i in range(1,10) ] )
print("Creating suite definition")
home = os.path.join(os.getenv("HOME"), |
suite.add_variable("ECF_HOME", os.path.join(os.getenv("HOME"), "course"))
defs = Defs(
Limit("l1", |
suite.add_family( ("Checking job creation: .ecf -> .job0" |
print("Checking trigger expressions")
assert len(defs.check()) == 0,defs.check()
print("Saving definition to file 'test.def'")
defs.save_as_defs("test.def") |
We can view the output on the remote machine (class??) by using a log server.
This assumes you have defined variables ECF_LOGHOST and ECF_LOGPORT in your definition.
Launch the log server on a remote machine:
Code Block |
ssh $USER@class01 /usr/local/apps/ecflow/5.5.1/bin/ecflow_logserver.sh -d /tmp/$USER -m /tmp/$USER:/tmp/$USER |
What to do
- Modify PATH environment variable in head.h
- Change the suite definition
- Replace the suite definition
- It may not work immediately. Have a look in the file $HOME/course/host.port.ecf.log to see why.
- Add a uname -n to your ecf ECF script to see what machine the task is running on.
- What do you need to do in order to have the task /test/f5/t9 run on another machine? Try your solution.
- Create a log server, to access the remote output
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