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- rather enhanced in low lying coastal parts (See Fig9.5.1).
- rather deficient in areas where orographic enhancement might be expected (See Fig9.5.2).
Fig9.5.1(left): Precipitation accumulation T+0 to T+54 from HRES data time 00UTC 10 July 2017 for the operational 43r3 run. Anomalous enhanced precipitation totals are focused along the coastlines of England (Cornwall and Bristol Channel) and France (Golfe de Saint-Malo) just over the adjacent sea.
HRES (ECMWF forecasts cycle 43r3 and earlier) was not coupled with NEMO but retained the initial sea-surface temperature anomalies throughout the forecast period. HRES tended to deepen relatively slow-moving tropical cyclones too much. This was due to the lack of ocean/atmosphere coupling in HRES which often kept the ocean too warm when it should be cooling. In reality the strong winds and slow movement would induce turbulent mixing of the very warm surface waters with cooler waters from deeper in the ocean, reducing sea-surface temperatures, and hence inducing less deepening of the storm. ENS was and continues to be coupled with the ocean and didn't suffer from this problem.
- Perturbations based on singular vectors (SV) and perturbations based on ensemble of data assimilations (EDA) have different characteristics:
- Geographically, EDA-perturbations based perturbations on EDAs are less localized localised than SV- based perturbations based on SVs. In particular, they have a larger amplitude over the tropics.
- Spectrally, EDA-basaed perturbations based on EDAs are smaller in scale.
- Vertically, EDA-perturbations based perturbations on EDAs are more barotropic than SV-based perturbations; SV-based perturbations perturbations based on SVs. Perturbations based on SVs show westward tilt with height typical of baroclinically unstable structures.
- At initial time, SV-based perturbations have a larger amplitude in potential energy than kinetic energy; perturbations based on EDA -based perturbations have a similar amplitude in potential and kinetic energy.
- EDA perturbations grow less rapidly.
An ensemble based on EDA -based ensemble underestimates the ensemble spread.- More reliable and accurate forecasts are obtained with a combination of EDA- and SV-based perturbations (operational since Jun 2010).
Fig5.1.1: 1000hPa perturbed analyses and forecasts of members 1 and 2 from 12UTC 13 August 2010; the positive and negative perturbations in red and blue dashed lines respectively. At initial time the perturbations are pair-wise anti symmetric, weakening or deepening a shallow low-pressure system on the westernmost Atlantic (upper images). 24 hours into the forecast, the perturbations in member 1 have led to the low splitting into two cyclonic pressure systems, in member 2 to a significant deepening of the single low pressure system.
Fig5.1.2: Same as Fig5.1.1 but for 00UTC 15 August 2010. In this case the anti symmetry is still clearly seen 24 hours into the forecast, member 1 having the low deepened and displaced into a slightly more westerly position, member 2 having the low weakened and displaced into a slightly more easterly position.