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The atmospheric model uses a Reduced a Reduced Gaussian Octahedral grid. This is triangular in nature and . NWP model values are interpolated both onto and from the grid by MIR (Meteorological Interpolation and Regridding) using . For output purposes, MIR uses a triangular interpolation technique which:
. This uses model grid point values (black points) to interpolate a value for an off-grid location (red point)
Fig33Fig3.A3-1: The Reduced Gaussian grid is triangular in nature. The interpolation uses the three corner points (black points) closest to the selected location (red point) and . It then takes a weighted average based upon the proximity of the point to the to vertices to arrive at the interpolated value.
In deriving a A value for point P the is derived using a weighting factor apportioned to for each point A,B,C is equal to the area of the diametrically opposite triangle. Therefore the . The weighting for:
- Point A is equal to the area of triangle PBC (pink) divided by area of triangle ABC. (Weighting = WA).
- Point B is equal to the area of triangle PCA (cyan) divided by area of triangle ABC. (Weighting = WB).
- Point C is equal to the area of triangle PAB (green) divided by area of triangle ABC. (Weighting = WC).
- The value at point P is then the sum of these three contributions: i.e. P = (A x WA) + (B x WB) + (C x WC)
A special case then arises when Point P lies on the line directly between two points. (see Fig33Fig3.B3-2).
Fig33Fig3.B3-2: Sometimes a point lies directly between two grid points. The interpolation then takes a weighted average based upon the ratio of distances from the two end uses the two points (black points) each side of selected location (red point) to . It then takes a weighted average based upon the ratio of distances from the two end points to arrive at the interpolated value.
The A value for point P is derived using a weighting factor apportioned to for each end point is by linear interpolation. Therefore the . The weighting for:
- Point A is equal to the distance PB divided by the length of AB. (Weighting = WA).
- Point B is equal to the distance AP divided by the length of AB. (Weighting = WB).
- The value at Point P is then the sum of these two contributions: i.e. P = (A x AW) + (B x BW)