9:30 -10:45 | Meet the students | The infrared spectrum- measurement, modelling and information content Tony McNally | GPS Radio Occulation: Extended applications Sean Healy | Observation errors for satellite data assimilation Niels Bormann | Satellites for environmental monitoring and forecasting Richard Engelen NWP_SAF_Engelen.pptx
11:15...12:30 | Theoretical background (1) What do satellites measure ? Tony McNally | GPS Radio Occulation: Principles and NWP use Sean Healy | The detection and assimilation of clouds in infrared radiances Tony McNally | Background errors for satellite data assimilation Tony McNally | Systematic errors, monitoring and auto-alert systems Mohamed Dahoui Dahoui_Satellite_2016.pptx
14:00...15:15 | Theoretical background (2) Data assimilation algorithms, Key elements and inputs Tony McNally | Satellite information on the ocean surface (SCAT) Giovanna De Chiara | The detection and assimilation of clouds and rain in microwave radiances Alan Geer | Satellite information on the land surface Patricia de Rosnay | Current satellite observing network and its future evolution Stephen English |
15:45...17:00 | The microwave spectrum, measurement, modelling and information content Alan Geer | A Practical guide to IR and MW radiative transfer – using the RTTOV model and GUI James Hocking (UK Met Office) | Wind information from satellites (Atmospheric Motion Vectors) Katie Lean
| 1DVar theory, simulator + practical session on background and observation errors Tony McNally | Question and answer session, course evaluation |