. Please complete our registration form to the right. .Any queries before completing the form can be sent to: openifs-support@ecmwfint. the ftp conditions The ftp site is password protected and users are provided with the password when the license has been completed.
true | htmlcommenthidden | July 2017. HTML Comment |
Panel |
title | Register interest in OpenIFS |
Forms |
hideSubmitButton | false |
generatedUUID | 970eaf50-1731-436f-b80b-131dc96d0a74 |
destination | openifs@ecmwf.int |
includeDestinations | false |
receipt | false |
submitButtonText | Submit |
collector | email |
Title (Mr., Dr., Prof.)titletexttrue
Your name:nametexttruealpha
Affiliation:affiliationtextthe name of your research institute or universitytruealpha
Your position:positiontexte.g director, lecturer, reseacher, postdoctruealphaContact email:emailtexttrueemail
Interest:intent440Please briefly describes what you would use OpenIFS for true
subjectOpenIFS license request