ECMWF: Patricia de Rosnay , Ewan Pinnington , Gianpaolo Balsamo , David Fairbairn , Peter Weston , Christoph Herbert , Kenta Ochi , Sebastien Garrigues , @llorenc.lledo@ecmwf.int, Llorenç Lledó , Christel Prudhomme , Thomas Haiden
Met Norway: Trygve Aspelien , Cristian Lussana , @ivaras@met.no, @josteinbl@met.no, @thomasn@met.no, Harald Schyberg
Who | What |
Patricia | Introduction (slides) |
David | Offline land DA (slides) |
Ewan | implementation of the 2D-OI in the offline land DA (slides) |
Trygve | Gribpp and titanlib for CARRA2 (slides) |
All | Discussion and future plans |