To ensure a fair share of resources for all EWC users while keeping usage as flexible as possible, each type of deployed resource is accounted hourly based and deduced from an annual billing unit budget (EWCU). In addition, each type of resource has quota defining hard limit which can't be exceeded at any point of time. Typically, quota is set higher than the annual budget, allowing temporary burst capacity for short period of time.
Table of Contents
Accounting dashboard
Info |
Accounting dashboard is available at: Credentials to the accounting dashboard system are created by default to the Computing Representatives and Tenant Admins in the tenancy creation phase. If you are a tenant-admin and would like to have credentials or would like to get credentials for tenant users, please raise a ticket containing the tenancy name(s) and email(s) of the user(s) who should get credentials. |
Both dashboards are available for all users, while the Computing Representatives can see all tenancies within their Member State and Tenant Admins can only see their own tenancies.
Typical operations
Viewing dashboards
To view the dashboards, follow the above steps:
Info |
In case you are only interested in the simple view to current consumption, please select 'Computing Representative dashboard' and see the first two rows (1) - (4) of the dashboard . |
Computing Representative dashboard
(1) You can filter Member State (in case you are representing many), Federee (ECMWF / EUMETSAT), and tenants using. Time range can be selected from top right corner of the dashboard (1a).
(2) The time series shows the overall consumption (following the selected filters) and the remaining billing unit budget
(7) Bottom of the dashboards shows more detailed information of the resources
Tenant dashboard
(1) You can filter by Federee (ECMWF / EUMETSAT) and Tenant. Time range can be selected from top right corner of the dashboard (1a).
(2) Quick overview of used resources
(3) Total consumption during the current year and the total annual billing unit budget for the current year
(4) The time series shows the overall consumption (following the selected filters) and the remaining billing unit budget
(5) The quota table shows currently used resources and the quota (hard limit of the resources) of each tenancy
(6) Details of the resource usage
Changing password
Password can be changed using following procedure
- Log into the system:
- Click top-right corner of the page and select 'Profile'
- Update your password
Info |
If you have lost your password, please send a request to our support portal |
Request a resize of quotas and/or budget allocations
The requests for resizing of the implemented quotas (hard limit of the resources) and/or the allocated billing units budgets (EWCU) for a EWC tenancy can be requested at any time by sending a request via the support portal .
The submitted resizing requests should be authorized by the Computing Representative before their implementation by the EWC Support team.