A decision was made to build on already existing and published EURO-CORDEX simulations at 0.11° horizontal resolution with the rationale of producing a GCM-RCM-RCP matrix as large as possible. The strategy developed was such that a number of different "dimensions" can be explored with the resulting data including sensitivity to forcing scenario, choice of GCM and choice of RCM. In addition, a number of simulations were run to make it possible to address natural variability.
Due to resource limitations it was early on decided that PRINCIPLES C3S-funded regional simulations would not do a homogeneous non-complete filling of the entire GCM-RCM-RCP matrix (several hundreds), but would rather fill up selected matrix slices (e.g. one GCM-all RCMs-one RCP, many GCMs-a few RCMs-one RCP, a few GCMs-a few RCMs-all RCPs). The plan for the collective simulations produced within C3S has therefore been to distribute the allocated effort of to approximately 65 simulations (the new simulations therefore roughly speaking double the available EURO-CORDEX simulations produced within other efforts) between three main goals: