Status: Ongoing analysis Material Finalised Material from: Linus, Esti
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Discussed in the following Daily reports:
Most probable precipitation map for Europe. Base time on 6th January 2021 at 00 UTC and valid time 7th, 8th, 9th and 10th January 2021 at 00 UTC
The plot below shows the forecast evolution for 24-hour total precipitation ending 9 January 06UTC averaged over observation locations inside a 0.5-degree box centred on Madrid. HRES (red dots), ENS control (purple dots), observation (green dots), ENS distribution (blue) and model climate (red).
The plot below shows the forecast evolution for 3-day total precipitation 7-9 January averaged inside a 1-degree box centred on Madrid. HRES (red dots), ENS control (purple dots), observation (green dots), ENS distribution (blue) and model climate (red).
3.4 Monthly forecasts
3.5 Comparison with other centres
HARMONIE (top) and HRES (bottom) 24h total precipitation valid for 7th (T+24h), 8th (T+24h), 9th (T+48h) and 10th (T+72h) of January 2021
4. Experience from general performance/other cases