Section | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Code Block | ||||
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cd inidir/ob01
cp -rL /perm/rd/openifs/oifs_workshop_2017/expts-inidata/ob00/2015110[1-5]* . # this will take some time |
Please only copy the initial dates you intend to use. Each date uses 0.5 Gbyte of file storage.
cd inidir/ob01
cp -rL /perm/rd/openifs/oifs_workshop_2017/expts-inidata/ob00/2015110[1-3]* . # this will take some time.
Change experiment id
OpenIFS forecasts are identified by an 'experiment id', a four letter string.
Code Block | ||
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troifs0@cca-login3:~> createEX -d 2015110100 -e ob01 -i scratch/inidir -m 10 -i scratch/inidir -m 10 |
We tell this command it can find our new initial files in scratch/inidir. By default, this command will create the experiment directory also in scratch. Be careful not to confuse the initial data directory with the experiment directory. These should be kept separate.
Info |
Note, one ensemble member '00' is always created, so the -m argument lists the total number of members and defaults to 1. Note directories Directories are numbered starting from zero. Only use 10 members in total otherwise you will not be able to compare with the climatological SST experiment which uses 10 members. |
The only namelist variable that needs changing in these experiments is NENSFNB,
which the run_all_ens
command does for you.
Note |
The stochastic backscatter scheme LSTOPH_SPBS should be disabled for OpenIFS 43r3 and beyond as it's use has been deprecated since 40r1. It's impact is very small, less so on the newer cubic grids, and is not recommended. |
Create and submit Cray batch job
The monthly mean files can be transferred to ICTP with the sftp command, to be used on the classroom PC with metview.
Useful Unix commands
Code Block | ||
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qsub job |
Code Block |
Quota for $HOME and $PERM: Disk quotas for user troifs0 (uid 16144): Filesystem blocks quota limit grace files quota limit grace cnasa1:/vol/home 226M 480M 500M 132 20000 22000 Disk quotas for user troifs0 (uid 16144): Filesystem blocks quota limit grace files quota limit grace cnasa2:/vol/perm 0 26624M 27648M 1 200k 210k Quota for $SCRATCH ($TEMP) including $SCRATCHDIR ($TMPDIR): Disk quotas for user troifs0 (uid 16144): Filesystem kbytes quota limit grace files quota limit grace /lus/snx11062 767099824 32212254720 32212254720 - 116570 5000000 5000000 - Disk quotas for group ectrain (gid 1400): Filesystem kbytes quota limit grace files quota limit grace /lus/snx11062 767105640 0 0 - 118078 0 0 - |
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