With the current settings the gradient was generated by linear interpolation in the RGB colour space (see Colour Gradients Technique) with 10 steps between the two waypoints (see Colour Gradients Steps List).
Info |
This is the full list of actions implemented for the colour gradient editor ("cell" here means waypoint): |
Gradient techniques
There are other gradient techniques available on top of the RGB-base one (this is the default). These are as follows:
So far we have only had two waypoints. If we add a new waypoint in the middle and sets its colour (e.g. to yellow) we will see something like this (with the "RGB" technique):
E.g. by setting this option to "left" we would generate this gradient:
Changing the resolution
The gradient resolution can be set for each segment independentlyby using a list for Colour Gradients Steps List. E.g. by setting it to "10/30" we can generate something like this where the second segment is almost continuous:
Warning |
Please use the Colour Gradients Steps List with extra care because although smooth gradients look great but the memory and time needed to generate the plot can increase significantly. |
Mapping the waypoints to contour values