- Starting dates: all forecasts between 14th February and 4th March- (daily frequency for NCEP and UKMO; weekly for ECMWF, JMA and EC)
- Forecast length: depends on each centre but not more than 60 days.
- Variables: near surface temperature (2mtm for most of us) as a start. We may later extend the study to Z500
- Output frequency: Daily averages: mean of 0, 6, 12 and 18Z
- All ensemble members
- Anomalies relative to each model climate
- Grid definition: 1.5x1.5 grid (2.5x2.5 for JMA), starting at 90N and 0E (North to South)- 240x121 grid points
- Format GRIB
- Time frame: 1 month for the data to be available (end of May) - Analysis first half of June - telecon to be arranged shortly after
- The data should be put on a local ftp server and Frederic will pull the data to ECMWF.