paramId | shortName | name | units | old conceptencoding | new conceptencoding |
ssro | Sub-surface runoff | m | discipline=192, parameterCategory=128, parameterNumber=9 | localTablesVersion=1, discipline=2, parameterCategory=0, parameterNumber=204, typeOfFirstFixedSurface=1, typeOfStatisticalProcessing=1 | |
aluvp | UV visible albedo for direct radiation (climatological) | (0 - 1) | discipline=192, parameterCategory=128, parameterNumber=15 | localTablesVersion=1, discipline=0, parameterCategory=4, parameterNumber=193, typeOfGeneratingProcess=9 | |
aluvd | UV visible albedo for diffuse radiation (climatological) | (0 - 1) | discipline=192, parameterCategory=128, parameterNumber=16 | localTablesVersion=1, discipline=0, parameterCategory=4, parameterNumber=192, typeOfGeneratingProcess=9 | |
alnip | Near IR albedo for direct radiation (climatological) | (0 - 1) | discipline=192, parameterCategory=128, parameterNumber=17 | localTablesVersion=1, discipline=0, parameterCategory=5, parameterNumber=193, typeOfGeneratingProcess=9 | |
alnid | Near IR albedo for diffuse radiation (climatological) | (0 - 1) | discipline=192, parameterCategory=128, parameterNumber=18 | localTablesVersion=1, discipline=0, parameterCategory=5, parameterNumber=192, typeOfGeneratingProcess=9 | |
parcs | Surface photosynthetically active radiation, clear sky | J m**-2 | discipline=192, parameterCategory=128, parameterNumber=20 | discipline=0, parameterCategory=4, parameterNumber=60, typeOfFirstFixedSurface=1, typeOfStatisticalProcessing=1 | |
cvl | Low vegetation cover | (0 - 1) | discipline=192, parameterCategory=128, parameterNumber=27 | discipline=2, parameterCategory=0, parameterNumber=53 | |
cvh | High vegetation cover | (0 - 1) | discipline=192, parameterCategory=128, parameterNumber=28 | discipline=2, parameterCategory=0, parameterNumber=54 | |
tvl | Type of low vegetation | (code table 4.234) | discipline=192, parameterCategory=128, parameterNumber=29 | discipline=2, parameterCategory=0, parameterNumber=57 | |
tvh | Type of high vegetation | (code table 4.234) | discipline=192, parameterCategory=128, parameterNumber=30 | discipline=2, parameterCategory=0, parameterNumber=58 | |
magss | Magnitude of turbulent surface stress | N m**-2 s | discipline=192, parameterCategory=128, parameterNumber=48 | discipline=0, parameterCategory=2, parameterNumber=58, typeOfFirstFixedSurface=1, typeOfStatisticalProcessing=1 | |
lai_lv | Leaf area index, low vegetation | m**2 m**-2 | discipline=192, parameterCategory=128, parameterNumber=66 | discipline=2, parameterCategory=0, parameterNumber=55 | |
lai_hv | Leaf area index, high vegetation | m**2 m**-2 | discipline=192, parameterCategory=128, parameterNumber=67 | discipline=2, parameterCategory=0, parameterNumber=56 | |
sdfor | Standard deviation of filtered subgrid orography (climatological) | m | discipline=192, parameterCategory=128, parameterNumber=74 | discipline=0, parameterCategory=3, parameterNumber=38, typeOfGeneratingProcess=9 | |
cp | Convective precipitation | m | discipline=0, parameterCategory=1, parameterNumber=10, unitsFactor=1000 | localTablesVersion=1, discipline=0, parameterCategory=1, parameterNumber=195, typeOfFirstFixedSurface=1, typeOfStatisticalProcessing=1 | |
chnk | Charnock | Numeric | discipline=192, parameterCategory=128, parameterNumber=148 | discipline=10, parameterCategory=0, parameterNumber=76 | |
sr | Surface roughness (climatological) | m | discipline=2, parameterCategory=0, parameterNumber=1 | discipline=2, parameterCategory=0, parameterNumber=1, typeOfFirstFixedSurface=1, typeOfGeneratingProcess=9 | |
al | Albedo (climatological) | (0 - 1) | discipline=192, parameterCategory=128, parameterNumber=174 | localTablesVersion=1, discipline=0, parameterCategory=19, parameterNumber=193, typeOfGeneratingProcess=9 | |
tsr | Top net short-wave (solar) radiation | J m**-2 | discipline=0, parameterCategory=4, parameterNumber=1, typeOfFirstFixedSurface=8, typeOfStatisticalProcessing=1 | discipline=0, parameterCategory=4, parameterNumber=9, typeOfFirstFixedSurface=8, typeOfStatisticalProcessing=1 | |
src | Skin reservoir content | m of water equivalent | discipline=192, parameterCategory=128, parameterNumber=198 | localTablesVersion=1, discipline=2, parameterCategory=0, parameterNumber=205 | |
vimd | Vertically integrated moisture divergence | kg m**-2 | discipline=192, parameterCategory=128, parameterNumber=213 | discipline=0, parameterCategory=1, parameterNumber=165, typeOfStatisticalProcessing=1 | |
lsrh | Logarithm of surface roughness length for heat (climatological) | Numeric | discipline=192, parameterCategory=128, parameterNumber=234 | discipline=0, parameterCategory=2, parameterNumber=54, typeOfFirstFixedSurface=1, typeOfGeneratingProcess=9 | |
fal | Forecast albedo | (0 - 1) | discipline=192, parameterCategory=128, parameterNumber=243 | localTablesVersion=1, discipline=0, parameterCategory=19, parameterNumber=193 | |
fsr | Forecast surface roughness | m | discipline=192, parameterCategory=128, parameterNumber=244 | discipline=2, parameterCategory=0, parameterNumber=1, typeOfFirstFixedSurface=1 | |
flsr | Forecast logarithm of surface roughness for heat | Numeric | discipline=192, parameterCategory=128, parameterNumber=245 | discipline=0, parameterCategory=2, parameterNumber=54, typeOfFirstFixedSurface=1 | |
snom | Snowmelt | kg m**-2 | discipline=0, parameterCategory=1, parameterNumber=16 | discipline=2, parameterCategory=0, parameterNumber=41, typeOfFirstFixedSurface=1, typeOfStatisticalProcessing=1 | |
mdww | Mean direction of wind waves | degrees | discipline=192, parameterCategory=140, parameterNumber=235 | discipline=10, parameterCategory=0, parameterNumber=75 | |
mdts | Mean direction of total swell | degrees | discipline=192, parameterCategory=140, parameterNumber=238 | discipline=10, parameterCategory=0, parameterNumber=74 | |
2dfd | 2D wave spectra (single) | m**2 s radian**-1 | discipline=192, parameterCategory=140, parameterNumber=251 | discipline=10, parameterCategory=0, parameterNumber=86 | |
srcrea | Skin reservoir content | kg m**-2 | discipline=192, parameterCategory=160, parameterNumber=198 | discipline=2, parameterCategory=0, parameterNumber=50 | |
vima | Vertical integral of mass of atmosphere | kg m**-2 | discipline=192, parameterCategory=162, parameterNumber=53 | discipline=0, parameterCategory=3, parameterNumber=39, typeOfFirstFixedSurface=1, typeOfSecondFixedSurface=8 | |
vike | Total column vertically-integrated kinetic energy | J m**-2 | discipline=192, parameterCategory=162, parameterNumber=59 | discipline=0, parameterCategory=21, parameterNumber=1, typeOfFirstFixedSurface=1, typeOfSecondFixedSurface=8 | |
vithe | Total column vertically-integrated enthalpy | J m**-2 | discipline=192, parameterCategory=162, parameterNumber=60 | discipline=0, parameterCategory=21, parameterNumber=3, typeOfFirstFixedSurface=1, typeOfSecondFixedSurface=8 | |
vipie | Total column vertically-integrated potential + internal energy | J m**-2 | discipline=192, parameterCategory=162, parameterNumber=61 | discipline=0, parameterCategory=21, parameterNumber=0, typeOfFirstFixedSurface=1, typeOfSecondFixedSurface=8 | |
vipile | Vertical integral of potential+internal+latent energy | J m**-2 | discipline=192, parameterCategory=162, parameterNumber=62 | discipline=0, parameterCategory=21, parameterNumber=21, typeOfFirstFixedSurface=1, typeOfSecondFixedSurface=8 | |
vitoe | Total column vertically-integrated total energy | J m**-2 | discipline=192, parameterCategory=162, parameterNumber=63 | discipline=0, parameterCategory=21, parameterNumber=2, typeOfFirstFixedSurface=1, typeOfSecondFixedSurface=8 | |
vithee | Vertical integral of eastward heat flux | W m**-1 | discipline=192, parameterCategory=162, parameterNumber=69 | discipline=0, parameterCategory=21, parameterNumber=19, typeOfFirstFixedSurface=1, typeOfSecondFixedSurface=8 | |
vithen | Vertical integral of northward heat flux | W m**-1 | discipline=192, parameterCategory=162, parameterNumber=70 | discipline=0, parameterCategory=21, parameterNumber=20, typeOfFirstFixedSurface=1, typeOfSecondFixedSurface=8 | |
viwvd | Vertically integrated moisture divergence flux | kg m**-2 s**-1 | discipline=192, parameterCategory=162, parameterNumber=84 | discipline=0, parameterCategory=1, parameterNumber=165 | |
aluvpi | UV visible albedo for direct radiation, isotropic component (climatological) | (0 - 1) | discipline=192, parameterCategory=210, parameterNumber=186 | localTablesVersion=1, discipline=0, parameterCategory=4, parameterNumber=195, typeOfGeneratingProcess=9 | |
aluvpv | UV visible albedo for direct radiation, volumetric component (climatological) | (0 - 1) | discipline=192, parameterCategory=210, parameterNumber=187 | localTablesVersion=1, discipline=0, parameterCategory=4, parameterNumber=196, typeOfGeneratingProcess=9 | |
aluvpg | UV visible albedo for direct radiation, geometric component (climatological) | (0 - 1) | discipline=192, parameterCategory=210, parameterNumber=188 | localTablesVersion=1, discipline=0, parameterCategory=4, parameterNumber=194, typeOfGeneratingProcess=9 | |
alnipi | Near IR albedo for direct radiation, isotropic component (climatological) | (0 - 1) | discipline=192, parameterCategory=210, parameterNumber=189 | localTablesVersion=1, discipline=0, parameterCategory=5, parameterNumber=195, typeOfGeneratingProcess=9 | |
alnipv | Near IR albedo for direct radiation, volumetric component (climatological) | (0 - 1) | discipline=192, parameterCategory=210, parameterNumber=190 | localTablesVersion=1, discipline=0, parameterCategory=5, parameterNumber=196, typeOfGeneratingProcess=9 | |
alnipg | Near IR albedo for direct radiation, geometric component (climatological) | (0 - 1) | discipline=192, parameterCategory=210, parameterNumber=191 | localTablesVersion=1, discipline=0, parameterCategory=5, parameterNumber=194, typeOfGeneratingProcess=9 | |
dndzn | Minimum vertical gradient of refractivity inside trapping layer | m**-1 | discipline=192, parameterCategory=228, parameterNumber=15 | discipline=0, parameterCategory=19, parameterNumber=45 | |
dndza | Mean vertical gradient of refractivity inside trapping layer | m**-1 | discipline=192, parameterCategory=228, parameterNumber=16 | discipline=0, parameterCategory=19, parameterNumber=44 | |
dctb | Duct base height | m | discipline=192, parameterCategory=228, parameterNumber=17 | discipline=0, parameterCategory=19, parameterNumber=41 | |
tplb | Trapping layer base height | m | discipline=192, parameterCategory=228, parameterNumber=18 | discipline=0, parameterCategory=19, parameterNumber=42 | |
tplt | Trapping layer top height | m | discipline=192, parameterCategory=228, parameterNumber=19 | discipline=0, parameterCategory=19, parameterNumber=43 | |
cdir | Surface direct short-wave radiation, clear sky | J m**-2 | discipline=192, parameterCategory=228, parameterNumber=22 | discipline=0, parameterCategory=4, parameterNumber=61, typeOfFirstFixedSurface=1, typeOfStatisticalProcessing=1 | |
hwbt0 | Height of zero-degree wet-bulb temperature | m | discipline=192, parameterCategory=228, parameterNumber=47 | discipline=0, parameterCategory=3, parameterNumber=44 | |
hwbt1 | Height of one-degree wet-bulb temperature | m | discipline=192, parameterCategory=228, parameterNumber=48 | discipline=0, parameterCategory=3, parameterNumber=45 | |
u10n | U-component of neutral wind | m s**-1 | discipline=192, parameterCategory=228, parameterNumber=131 | discipline=0, parameterCategory=2, parameterNumber=56 | |
v10n | V-component of neutral wind | m s**-1 | discipline=192, parameterCategory=228, parameterNumber=132 | discipline=0, parameterCategory=2, parameterNumber=57 | |
asnow | Total snowfall | m | discipline=0, parameterCategory=1, parameterNumber=29 | discipline=0, parameterCategory=1, parameterNumber=57, typeOfFirstFixedSurface=1, typeOfStatisticalProcessing=1 | |
emi_mflx | Emission mass flux | kg m**-2 s**-1 | discipline=0, parameterCategory=20, parameterNumber=77 | discipline=0, parameterCategory=20, parameterNumber=77, is_chemical_srcsink=1, sourceSinkChemicalPhysicalProcess=255 |
paramId | shortName | name | units | encoding | |||||||
weta | Wave induced mean sea level correction | m | discipline=10, parameterCategory=0, parameterNumber=87 | ||||||||
wraf | Ratio of wave angular and frequency width | Numeric | discipline=10, parameterCategory=0, parameterNumber=80 | ||||||||
wnslc | Number of events in freak waves statistics | Numeric | discipline=10, parameterCategory=0, parameterNumber=89 | ||||||||
utauo | U-component of surface momentum flux into ocean | N m**-2 | discipline=10, parameterCategory=0, parameterNumber=90, typeOfFirstFixedSurface=1 | ||||||||
vtauo | V-component of surface momentum flux into ocean | N m**-2 | discipline=10, parameterCategory=0, parameterNumber=91, typeOfFirstFixedSurface=1 | ||||||||
wphio | Wave turbulent energy flux into ocean | W m**-2 | discipline=10, parameterCategory=0, parameterNumber=92 | ||||||||
wefxm | Wave energy flux magnitude | W m**-1 | discipline=10, parameterCategory=0, parameterNumber=78 | ||||||||
wefxd | Wave energy flux mean direction | Degree true | discipline=10, parameterCategory=0, parameterNumber=79 | ||||||||
wss | Wave Spectral Skewness | Numeric | discipline=10, parameterCategory=0, parameterNumber=77 | ||||||||
wstar | Free convective velocity over the oceans | m s**-1 | discipline=10, parameterCategory=0, parameterNumber=81 | ||||||||
rhoao | Air density over the oceans | kg m**-3 | discipline=10, parameterCategory=0, parameterNumber=82 | ||||||||
phiaw | Normalized energy flux into waves | Numeric | discipline=10, parameterCategory=0, parameterNumber=83 | ||||||||
phioc | Normalized energy flux into ocean | Numeric | discipline=10, parameterCategory=0, parameterNumber=85 | ||||||||
tauoc | Normalized stress into ocean | Numeric | discipline=10, parameterCategory=0, parameterNumber=84 | ||||||||
viwe | Total column vertically-integrated water enthalpy | J m**-2 | discipline=0, parameterCategory=21, parameterNumber=4, typeOfFirstFixedSurface=1, typeOfSecondFixedSurface=8 | ||||||||
aluvd_p | UV visible albedo for diffuse radiation (climatological) | % | discipline=0, parameterCategory=4, parameterNumber=55, typeOfGeneratingProcess=9 | ||||||||
aluvp_p | UV visible albedo for direct radiation (climatological) | % | discipline=0, parameterCategory=4, parameterNumber=56, typeOfGeneratingProcess=9 | ||||||||
aluvpg_p | UV visible albedo for direct radiation, geometric component (climatological) | % | discipline=0, parameterCategory=4, parameterNumber=57, typeOfGeneratingProcess=9 | ||||||||
aluvpi_p | UV visible albedo for direct radiation, isotropic component (climatological) | % | discipline=0, parameterCategory=4, parameterNumber=58, typeOfGeneratingProcess=9 | ||||||||
aluvpv_p | UV visible albedo for direct radiation, volumetric component (climatological) | % | discipline=0, parameterCategory=4, parameterNumber=59, typeOfGeneratingProcess=9 | ||||||||
alnid_p | Near IR albedo for diffuse radiation (climatological) | % | discipline=0, parameterCategory=5, parameterNumber=9, typeOfGeneratingProcess=9 | ||||||||
alnip_p | Near IR albedo for direct radiation (climatological) | % | discipline=0, parameterCategory=5, parameterNumber=10, typeOfGeneratingProcess=9 | ||||||||
alnipg_p | Near IR albedo for direct radiation, geometric component (climatological) | % | discipline=0, parameterCategory=5, parameterNumber=11, typeOfGeneratingProcess=9 | ||||||||
alnipi_p | Near IR albedo for direct radiation, isotropic component (climatological) | % | discipline=0, parameterCategory=5, parameterNumber=12, typeOfGeneratingProcess=9 | ||||||||
alnipv_p | Near IR albedo for direct radiation, volumetric component (climatological) | % | discipline=0, parameterCategory=5, parameterNumber=13, typeOfGeneratingProcess=9 | ||||||||
tcslw | Total column supercooled liquid water | kg m**-2 | discipline=0, parameterCategory=1, parameterNumber=167, typeOfFirstFixedSurface=1, typeOfSecondFixedSurface=8 | ||||||||
acc_e_WLCH4 | Accumulated mass emission of methane from Wetlands | kg m**-2 | discipline=0, parameterCategory=20, parameterNumber=3, constituentType=2, typeOfStatisticalProcessing=1, is_chemical_srcsink=1, sourceSinkChemicalPhysicalProcess=10 | ||||||||
csfr | Convective snowfall rate water equivalent | kg m**-2 s**-1 | discipline=0, parameterCategory=1, parameterNumber=55, typeOfFirstFixedSurface=1 | ||||||||
lssfr | Large scale snowfall rate water equivalent | kg m**-2 s**-1 | discipline=0, parameterCategory=1, parameterNumber=56, typeOfFirstFixedSurface=1 | ||||||||
flsrm | Forecast logarithm of surface roughness length for moisture | Numeric | discipline=0, parameterCategory=2, parameterNumber=55, typeOfFirstFixedSurface=1 | ||||||||
surfror | Surface runoff rate | kg m**-2 s**-1 | discipline=2, parameterCategory=0, parameterNumber=51, typeOfFirstFixedSurface=1 | ||||||||
surfro | Surface runoff | kg m**-2 | discipline=2, parameterCategory=0, parameterNumber=51, typeOfFirstFixedSurface=1, typeOfStatisticalProcessing=1 | ||||||||
ssurfror | Sub-surface runoff rate | kg m**-2 s**-1 | discipline=2, parameterCategory=0, parameterNumber=52, typeOfFirstFixedSurface=1 | ||||||||
ssurfro | Sub-surface runoff | kg m**-2 | discipline=2, parameterCategory=0, parameterNumber=52, typeOfFirstFixedSurface=1, typeOfStatisticalProcessing=1 | ||||||||
rfl04 | Reflectance in 0.4 micron channel | % | discipline=3, parameterCategory=1, parameterNumber=30 | ||||||||
fba | Burned area | % | discipline=2, parameterCategory=4, parameterNumber=3 | ||||||||
bia | Burning area | % | discipline=2, parameterCategory=4, parameterNumber=20 | ||||||||
baa | Burnable area | % | discipline=2, parameterCategory=4, parameterNumber=21 | ||||||||
ubaa | Un-burnable area | % | discipline=2, parameterCategory=4, parameterNumber=22 | ||||||||
fuell | Fuel load | kg m**-2 | discipline=2, parameterCategory=4, parameterNumber=23 | ||||||||
combc | Combustion completeness | % | discipline=2, parameterCategory=4, parameterNumber=24 | ||||||||
fuelmc | Fuel moisture content | kg kg**-1 | discipline=2, parameterCategory=4, parameterNumber=25 | ||||||||
tvige | Time-integrated total column vertically-integrated eastward geopotential flux | J m**-1 | discipline=0, parameterCategory=3, parameterNumber=40, typeOfFirstFixedSurface=1, typeOfSecondFixedSurface=8, typeOfStatisticalProcessing=1 | ||||||||
tvign | Time-integrated total column vertically-integrated northward geopotential flux | J m**-1 | discipline=0, parameterCategory=3, parameterNumber=41, typeOfFirstFixedSurface=1, typeOfSecondFixedSurface=8, typeOfStatisticalProcessing=1 | ||||||||
tviwgd | Time-integrated total column vertically-integrated divergence of water geopotential flux | J m**-2 | discipline=0, parameterCategory=3, parameterNumber=42, typeOfFirstFixedSurface=1, typeOfSecondFixedSurface=8, typeOfStatisticalProcessing=1 | ||||||||
tvigd | Time-integrated total column vertically-integrated divergence of geopotential flux | J m**-2 | discipline=0, parameterCategory=3, parameterNumber=43, typeOfFirstFixedSurface=1, typeOfSecondFixedSurface=8, typeOfStatisticalProcessing=1 | ||||||||
tviee | Time-integrated total column vertically-integrated eastward enthalpy flux | J m**-1 | discipline=0, parameterCategory=21, parameterNumber=5, typeOfFirstFixedSurface=1, typeOfSecondFixedSurface=8, typeOfStatisticalProcessing=1 | ||||||||
tvien | Time-integrated total column vertically-integrated northward enthalpy flux | J m**-1 | discipline=0, parameterCategory=21, parameterNumber=6, typeOfFirstFixedSurface=1, typeOfSecondFixedSurface=8, typeOfStatisticalProcessing=1 | ||||||||
tvikee | Time-integrated total column vertically-integrated eastward kinetic energy flux | J m**-1 | discipline=0, parameterCategory=21, parameterNumber=9, typeOfFirstFixedSurface=1, typeOfSecondFixedSurface=8, typeOfStatisticalProcessing=1 | ||||||||
tviken | Time-integrated total column vertically-integrated northward kinetic energy flux | J m**-1 | discipline=0, parameterCategory=21, parameterNumber=10, typeOfFirstFixedSurface=1, typeOfSecondFixedSurface=8, typeOfStatisticalProcessing=1 | ||||||||
tvitee | Time-integrated total column vertically-integrated eastward total energy flux | J m**-1 | discipline=0, parameterCategory=21, parameterNumber=11, typeOfFirstFixedSurface=1, typeOfSecondFixedSurface=8, typeOfStatisticalProcessing=1 | ||||||||
tviten | Time-integrated total column vertically-integrated northward total energy flux | J m**-1 | discipline=0, parameterCategory=21, parameterNumber=12, typeOfFirstFixedSurface=1, typeOfSecondFixedSurface=8, typeOfStatisticalProcessing=1 | ||||||||
tvied | Time-integrated total column vertically-integrated divergence of enthalpy flux | J m**-2 | discipline=0, parameterCategory=21, parameterNumber=13, typeOfFirstFixedSurface=1, typeOfSecondFixedSurface=8, typeOfStatisticalProcessing=1 | ||||||||
tviked | Time-integrated total column vertically-integrated divergence of kinetic energy flux | J m**-2 | discipline=0, parameterCategory=21, parameterNumber=16, typeOfFirstFixedSurface=1, typeOfSecondFixedSurface=8, typeOfStatisticalProcessing=1 | ||||||||
tvited | Time-integrated total column vertically-integrated divergence of total energy flux | J m**-2 | discipline=0, parameterCategory=21, parameterNumber=17, typeOfFirstFixedSurface=1, typeOfSecondFixedSurface=8, typeOfStatisticalProcessing=1 | ||||||||
tviwed | Time-integrated total column vertically-integrated divergence of water enthalpy flux | J m**-2 | discipline=0, parameterCategory=21, parameterNumber=18, typeOfFirstFixedSurface=1, typeOfSecondFixedSurface=8, typeOfStatisticalProcessing=1 | ||||||||
tvimd | Time integrated, vertically integrated divergence of mass flux | kg m**-2 | discipline=0, parameterCategory=3, parameterNumber=35, typeOfFirstFixedSurface=1, typeOfSecondFixedSurface=8, typeOfStatisticalProcessing=1 | ||||||||
tvime | Time integrated, vertically integrated eastward mass flux | kg m**-1 | discipline=0, parameterCategory=3, parameterNumber=36, typeOfFirstFixedSurface=1, typeOfSecondFixedSurface=8, typeOfStatisticalProcessing=1 | ||||||||
tvimn | Time integrated, vertically integrated northward mass flux | kg m**-1 | discipline=0, parameterCategory=3, parameterNumber=37, typeOfFirstFixedSurface=1, typeOfSecondFixedSurface=8, typeOfStatisticalProcessing=1 | ||||||||
tviwvd | Time integrated, vertically integrated divergence of water vapour flux | kg m**-2 | discipline=0, parameterCategory=1, parameterNumber=160, typeOfFirstFixedSurface=1, typeOfSecondFixedSurface=8, typeOfStatisticalProcessing=1 | ||||||||
tviclwd | Time integrated, vertically integrated divergence of cloud liquid water flux | kg m**-2 | discipline=0, parameterCategory=1, parameterNumber=161, typeOfFirstFixedSurface=1, typeOfSecondFixedSurface=8, typeOfStatisticalProcessing=1 | ||||||||
tviciwd | Time integrated, vertically integrated divergence of cloud ice water flux | kg m**-2 | discipline=0, parameterCategory=1, parameterNumber=162, typeOfFirstFixedSurface=1, typeOfSecondFixedSurface=8, typeOfStatisticalProcessing=1 | ||||||||
tvird | Time integrated, vertically integrated divergence of rain flux | kg m**-2 | discipline=0, parameterCategory=1, parameterNumber=163, typeOfFirstFixedSurface=1, typeOfSecondFixedSurface=8, typeOfStatisticalProcessing=1 | ||||||||
tvisd | Time integrated, vertically integrated divergence of snow flux | kg m**-2 | discipline=0, parameterCategory=1, parameterNumber=164, typeOfFirstFixedSurface=1, typeOfSecondFixedSurface=8, typeOfStatisticalProcessing=1 | ||||||||
tviwve | Time integrated, vertically integrated eastward water vapour flux | kg m**-1 | discipline=0, parameterCategory=1, parameterNumber=150, typeOfFirstFixedSurface=1, typeOfSecondFixedSurface=8, typeOfStatisticalProcessing=1 | ||||||||
tviwvn | Time integrated, vertically integrated northward water vapour flux | kg m**-1 | discipline=0, parameterCategory=1, parameterNumber=151, typeOfFirstFixedSurface=1, typeOfSecondFixedSurface=8, typeOfStatisticalProcessing=1 | ||||||||
tviclwe | Time integrated, vertically integrated eastward cloud liquid water flux | kg m**-1 | discipline=0, parameterCategory=1, parameterNumber=152, typeOfFirstFixedSurface=1, typeOfSecondFixedSurface=8, typeOfStatisticalProcessing=1 | ||||||||
tviclwn | Time integrated, vertically integrated northward cloud liquid water flux | kg m**-1 | discipline=0, parameterCategory=1, parameterNumber=153, typeOfFirstFixedSurface=1, typeOfSecondFixedSurface=8, typeOfStatisticalProcessing=1 | ||||||||
tviciwe | Time integrated, vertically integrated eastward cloud ice water flux | kg m**-1 | discipline=0, parameterCategory=1, parameterNumber=154, typeOfFirstFixedSurface=1, typeOfSecondFixedSurface=8, typeOfStatisticalProcessing=1 | ||||||||
tviciwn | Time integrated, vertically integrated northward cloud ice water flux | kg m**-1 | discipline=0, parameterCategory=1, parameterNumber=155, typeOfFirstFixedSurface=1, typeOfSecondFixedSurface=8, typeOfStatisticalProcessing=1 | ||||||||
tvire | Time integrated, vertically integrated eastward rain flux | kg m**-1 | discipline=0, parameterCategory=1, parameterNumber=156, typeOfFirstFixedSurface=1, typeOfSecondFixedSurface=8, typeOfStatisticalProcessing=1 | ||||||||
tvirn | Time integrated, vertically integrated northward rain flux | kg m**-1 | discipline=0, parameterCategory=1, parameterNumber=157, typeOfFirstFixedSurface=1, typeOfSecondFixedSurface=8, typeOfStatisticalProcessing=1 | ||||||||
tvise | Time integrated, vertically integrated eastward snow flux | kg m**-1 | discipline=0, parameterCategory=1, parameterNumber=158, typeOfFirstFixedSurface=1, typeOfSecondFixedSurface=8, typeOfStatisticalProcessing=1 | ||||||||
tvisn | Time integrated, vertically integrated northward snow flux | kg m**-1 | discipline=0, parameterCategory=1, parameterNumber=159, typeOfFirstFixedSurface=1, typeOfSecondFixedSurface=8, typeOfStatisticalProcessing=1 | ||||||||
msparfcs | Mean surface photosynthetically active radiation flux, clear sky | tvioze | Time integrated, vertically integrated eastward ozone flux | kg W m**-21 | discipline=0, parameterCategory=420, parameterNumber=6078, typeOfFirstFixedSurface=1, typeOfSecondFixedSurface=8, typeOfStatisticalProcessing=1, constituentType=0 | ||||||
sdf | Sunshine duration fraction | Proportion | discipline=0, parameterCategory=6, parameterNumber=51, typeOfFirstFixedSurface=1 | ||||||||
(parameter defined in era6 pseudo-centre) | |||||||||||
tviozn | Time integrated, vertically integrated northward ozone flux | kg m | mvimd | Mean vertically integrated moisture divergence | kg m**-2 s**-1 | discipline=0, parameterCategory=120, parameterNumber=16579, typeOfStatisticalProcessing=0typeOfFirstFixedSurface=1, typeOfSecondFixedSurface=8, typeOfStatisticalProcessing=1, constituentType=0 | |||||
tviozd | Time integrated, vertically integrated divergence of ozone flux | kg | msdrswrfcs | Mean surface direct short-wave radiation flux, clear sky | W m**-2 | discipline=0, parameterCategory=420, parameterNumber=6180, typeOfFirstFixedSurface=1, typeOfSecondFixedSurface=8, typeOfStatisticalProcessing=1, constituentType=0 | |||||
zosib | Sea surface height with inverse barometer correction | m | discipline=10, parameterCategory=3, parameterNumber=20 | ||||||||
pt300m | Average sea water potential temperature in the upper 300m | K | discipline=10, parameterCategory=4, parameterNumber=18, typeOfFirstFixedSurface=160, typeOfSecondFixedSurface=160, scaledValueOfFirstFixedSurface=0, scaleFactorOfFirstFixedSurface=0, scaledValueOfSecondFixedSurface=300, scaleFactorOfSecondFixedSurface=0 | ||||||||
(parameter defined in era6 pseudo-centre) | |||||||||||
tvions | Time integrated, vertically integrated net source of ozone | kg m**-2 | discipline=0, parameterCategory=20, parameterNumber=81, typeOfFirstFixedSurface=1, typeOfSecondFixedSurface=8, typeOfStatisticalProcessing=1, constituentType=0 | ||||||||
mcdneef | Mean carbon dioxide net ecosystem exchange flux | kg m**-2 s | salo | Sea water salinity | kg kg**-1 | discipline=102, parameterCategory=40, parameterNumber=359, typeOfFirstFixedSurfacetypeOfStatisticalProcessing=1680, typeOfSecondFixedSurfaceconstituentType=168 | |||||
avg_pt300m | Time-mean average sea water potential temperature in the upper 300m | K | discipline=10, parameterCategory=4, parameterNumber=18, typeOfFirstFixedSurface=160, typeOfSecondFixedSurface=160, scaledValueOfFirstFixedSurface=0, scaleFactorOfFirstFixedSurface=0, scaledValueOfSecondFixedSurface=300, scaleFactorOfSecondFixedSurface=0, typeOfStatisticalProcessing=0 | ||||||||
3 | |||||||||||
mcdgppf | Mean carbon dioxide gross primary production flux | kg m**-2 s**-1 | discipline=2, parameterCategory=0, parameterNumber=60, typeOfStatisticalProcessing=0, constituentType=3 | ||||||||
mcderf | Mean carbon dioxide ecosystem respiration | neef | Net ecosystem exchange flux | kg m**-2 s**-1 | discipline=2, parameterCategory=0, parameterNumber=59 | ||||||
mneef | Mean net ecosystem exchange flux | kg m**-2 s**-1 | discipline=2, parameterCategory=0, parameterNumber=59, typeOfStatisticalProcessing=0 | ||||||||
61, typeOfStatisticalProcessing=0, constituentType=3 | |||||||||||
aco2nee | Accumulated Carbon Dioxide Net Ecosystem Exchange | aneef | Accumulated net ecosystem exchange flux | kg m**-2 s**-1 | discipline=2, parameterCategory=0, parameterNumber=59, typeOfStatisticalProcessing=1, constituentType=3 | ||||||
aco2gpp | Accumulated Carbon Dioxide Gross Primary Production | gppf | Gross primary production flux | kg m**-2 s**-1 | discipline=2, parameterCategory=0, parameterNumber=60 | mgppf | , typeOfStatisticalProcessing=0, constituentType=3 | ||||
aco2rec | Accumulated Carbon Dioxide Ecosystem RespirationMean gross primary production flux | kg m**-2 s**-1 | discipline=2, parameterCategory=0, parameterNumber=6061, typeOfStatisticalProcessing=0 | agppf | , constituentType=3 | ||||||
fco2nee | Flux of Carbon Dioxide Net Ecosystem ExchangeAccumulated gross primary production flux | kg m**-2 s**-1 | discipline=2, parameterCategory=0, parameterNumber=6059, typeOfStatisticalProcessing=1constituentType=3 | ||||||||
fco2gpp | Flux of Carbon Dioxide Gross Primary Production | erf | Ecosystem respiration flux | kg m**-2 s**-1 | discipline=2, parameterCategory=0, parameterNumber=6160, constituentType=3 | ||||||
fco2rec | Flux of Carbon Dioxide Ecosystem Respiration | merf | Mean ecosystem respiration flux | kg m**-2 s**-1 | discipline=2, parameterCategory=0, parameterNumber=61, typeOfStatisticalProcessing=0 | aerf | Accumulated ecosystem respiration flux | constituentType=3 | |||
msparfcs | Mean surface photosynthetically active radiation flux, clear sky | W kg m**-2 s**-1 | discipline=20, parameterCategory=04, parameterNumber=60, typeOfFirstFixedSurface=611, typeOfStatisticalProcessing=10 | ||||||||
emi_mflx_biofuel | Emission mass flux from bio fuel | kg m**-2 s**-1 | sdf | Sunshine duration fraction | Proportion | discipline=0, parameterCategory=206, parameterNumber=77, is_chemical_srcsink51, typeOfFirstFixedSurface=1, sourceSinkChemicalPhysicalProcess=8 | emi_mflx_fossilfuel | ||||
mvimd | Mean vertically integrated moisture divergenceEmission mass flux from fossil fuel | kg m**-2 s**-1 | discipline=0, parameterCategory=201, parameterNumber=77, is_chemical_srcsink=1, sourceSinkChemicalPhysicalProcess=9 | emi_mflx_other | Emission mass flux from other | 165, typeOfStatisticalProcessing=0 | |||||
msdrswrfcs | Mean surface direct short-wave radiation flux, clear sky | W kg m**-2 s**-1 | discipline=0, parameterCategory=204, parameterNumber=77, is_chemical_srcsink=1, sourceSinkChemicalPhysicalProcess61, typeOfFirstFixedSurface=1, typeOfStatisticalProcessing=0 | ||||||||
emi_mflx_ocean | Emission mass flux from oceans | kg m**-2 s**-1 | discipline=0, parameterCategory=20, parameterNumber=77, is_chemical_srcsink=1, sourceSinkChemicalPhysicalProcess=11 | ||||||||
emi_mflx_soil | Emission mass flux from soil | kg m**-2 s**-1 | localTablesVersion=1, discipline=0, parameterCategory=20, parameterNumber=77, is_chemical_srcsink=1, sourceSinkChemicalPhysicalProcess=195 | ||||||||
emi_mflx_wildanim | Emission mass flux from wild animals | kg m**-2 s**-1 | localTablesVersion=1, discipline=0, parameterCategory=20, parameterNumber=77, is_chemical_srcsink=1, sourceSinkChemicalPhysicalProcess=196 | ||||||||
acc_wetdep_mflx | Accumulated wet deposition mass flux | kg m**-2 | discipline=0, parameterCategory=20, parameterNumber=7, typeOfStatisticalProcessing=1 | ||||||||
acc_drydep_mflx | Accumulated dry deposition mass flux | kg m**-2 | discipline=0, parameterCategory=20, parameterNumber=6, typeOfStatisticalProcessing=1 |
Parameters removed
zosib | Sea surface height with inverse barometer correction | m | discipline=10, parameterCategory=3, parameterNumber=20 | |||||||||
pt300m | Average sea water potential temperature in the upper 300m | K | discipline=10, parameterCategory=4, parameterNumber=18, typeOfFirstFixedSurface=160, typeOfSecondFixedSurface=160, scaledValueOfFirstFixedSurface=0, scaleFactorOfFirstFixedSurface=0, scaledValueOfSecondFixedSurface=300, scaleFactorOfSecondFixedSurface=0 | |||||||||
salo | Sea water salinity | kg kg**-1 | discipline=10, parameterCategory=4, parameterNumber=3, typeOfFirstFixedSurface=168, typeOfSecondFixedSurface=168 | |||||||||
avg_pt300m | Time-mean average sea water potential temperature in the upper 300m | K | discipline=10, parameterCategory=4, parameterNumber=18, typeOfFirstFixedSurface=160, typeOfSecondFixedSurface=160, scaledValueOfFirstFixedSurface=0, scaleFactorOfFirstFixedSurface=0, scaledValueOfSecondFixedSurface=300, scaleFactorOfSecondFixedSurface=0, typeOfStatisticalProcessing=0 | |||||||||
neef | Net ecosystem exchange flux | |||||||||||
paramId | shortName | name | units | encoding | use instead | |||||||
162055 | viwv | Vertical integral of water vapour | kg m**-2 s**-1 | discipline=1922, parameterCategory=1620, parameterNumber=5559 | ||||||||
137 | 174009 | ssro | mneef | Mean net ecosystem exchange fluxSub-surface runoff | kg m**-2 s**-1 | discipline=1922, parameterCategory=1740, parameterNumber=59, typeOfStatisticalProcessing=90 | ||||||
228080 | aco2neeaneef | Accumulated Carbon Dioxide Net Ecosystem Exchangenet ecosystem exchange flux | kg m**-2 s**-1 | localTablesVersion=1, discipline=2, parameterCategory=0, parameterNumber=19259, typeOfStatisticalProcessing=1 | 435002 with constituentType=3 | 228081 | aco2gpp | |||||
gppf | Gross primary production fluxAccumulated Carbon Dioxide Gross Primary Production | kg m**-2 s**-1 | localTablesVersion=1, discipline=2, parameterCategory=0, parameterNumber=193, typeOfStatisticalProcessing=1 | 436002 with constituentType=3 | 228082 | aco2rec | 60 | |||||
mgppf | Mean gross primary production fluxAccumulated Carbon Dioxide Ecosystem Respiration | kg m**-2 s**-1 | localTablesVersion=1, discipline=2, parameterCategory=0, parameterNumber=19460, typeOfStatisticalProcessing=1 | 437002 with constituentType=3 | 228083 | fco2nee | Flux of Carbon Dioxide Net Ecosystem Exchange | 0 | ||||
agppf | Accumulated gross primary production flux | kg m**-2 s**-1 | localTablesVersion=1, discipline=2, parameterCategory=0, parameterNumber=195 | 435000 with constituentType=3 | 60, typeOfStatisticalProcessing=1 | |||||||
erf | Ecosystem respiration flux | 228084 | fco2gpp | Flux of Carbon Dioxide Gross Primary Production | kg m**-2 s**-1 | localTablesVersion=1, discipline=2, parameterCategory=0, parameterNumber=197 | 436000 with constituentType=3 | 228085 | fco2rec | Flux of Carbon Dioxide Ecosystem Respiration | 61 | |
merf | Mean ecosystem respiration flux | kg m**-2 s**-1 | localTablesVersion=1, discipline=2, parameterCategory=0, parameterNumber=196 | 437000 with constituentType=3 | 61, typeOfStatisticalProcessing=0 | |||||||
aerf | Accumulated ecosystem respiration flux | 260051 | csrwe | Convective snowfall rate water equivalent | kg m**-2 s**-1 | discipline=02, parameterCategory=10, parameterNumber=61, typeOfStatisticalProcessing=551 228220 | 260052 | lssrwe | ||||
emi_mflx_biofuel | Emission mass flux from bio fuelLarge scale snowfall rate water equivalent | kg m**-2 s**-1 | discipline=0, parameterCategory=120, parameterNumber=56, typeOfFirstFixedSurface77, is_chemical_srcsink=1, sourceSinkChemicalPhysicalProcess=8 | |||||||||
260185 | soilw | Volumetric soil moisture content | Proportion | discipline=2, parameterCategory=0, parameterNumber=9 | 260199 | |||||||
260201 | uplst | Upper layer soil temperature | K | discipline=2, parameterCategory=3, parameterNumber=1 | ||||||||
260202 | uplsm | Upper layer soil moisture | kg m**-3 | discipline=2, parameterCategory=3, parameterNumber=2 | ||||||||
emi_mflx_fossilfuel | Emission mass flux from fossil fuel | kg m**-2 s**-1 | discipline=0, parameterCategory=20, parameterNumber=77, is_chemical_srcsink=1, sourceSinkChemicalPhysicalProcess=9 | |||||||||
emi_mflx_other | Emission mass flux from other | kg m**-2 s**-1 | discipline=0, parameterCategory=20, parameterNumber=77, is_chemical_srcsink=1, sourceSinkChemicalPhysicalProcess=0 | |||||||||
emi_mflx_ocean | Emission mass flux from oceans | 260203 | lowlsm | Lower layer soil moisture | kg m**-32 s**-1 | discipline=20, parameterCategory=320, parameterNumber=3 | ||||||
260204 | botlst | Bottom layer soil temperature | K | discipline=2, parameterCategory=3, parameterNumber=4 | ||||||||
260205 | soill | Liquid volumetric soil moisture (non-frozen) | Proportion | discipline=2, parameterCategory=3, parameterNumber=5 | 260210 | |||||||
260207 | smref | Transpiration stress-onset (soil moisture) | Proportion | discipline=2, parameterCategory=3, parameterNumber=7 | ||||||||
260208 | smdry | Direct evaporation cease (soil moisture) | Proportion | discipline=2, parameterCategory=3, parameterNumber=8 | ||||||||
260209 | poros | Soil porosity | Proportion | discipline=2, parameterCategory=3, parameterNumber=9 |
Changed long names
=77, is_chemical_srcsink=1, sourceSinkChemicalPhysicalProcess=11 | ||||
emi_mflx_soil | Emission mass flux from soil | kg m**-2 s**-1 | localTablesVersion=1, discipline=0, parameterCategory=20, parameterNumber=77, is_chemical_srcsink=1, sourceSinkChemicalPhysicalProcess=195 | |
emi_mflx_wildanim | Emission mass flux from wild animals | kg m**-2 s**-1 | localTablesVersion=1, discipline=0, parameterCategory=20, parameterNumber=77, is_chemical_srcsink=1, sourceSinkChemicalPhysicalProcess=196 | |
acc_wetdep_mflx | Accumulated wet deposition mass flux | kg m**-2 | discipline=0, parameterCategory=20, parameterNumber=7, typeOfStatisticalProcessing=1 | |
acc_drydep_mflx | Accumulated dry deposition mass flux | kg m**-2 | discipline=0, parameterCategory=20, parameterNumber=6, typeOfStatisticalProcessing=1 |
Parameters removed
paramId | shortName | name | units | encoding | use instead |
162055 | viwv | Vertical integral of water vapour | kg m**-2 | discipline=192, parameterCategory=162, parameterNumber=55 | 137 |
174009 | ssro | Sub-surface runoff | kg m**-2 | discipline=192, parameterCategory=174, parameterNumber=9 | |
228080 | aco2nee | Accumulated Carbon Dioxide Net Ecosystem Exchange | kg m**-2 | localTablesVersion=1, discipline=2, parameterCategory=0, parameterNumber=192, typeOfStatisticalProcessing=1 | 435002 with constituentType=3 |
228081 | aco2gpp | Accumulated Carbon Dioxide Gross Primary Production | kg m**-2 | localTablesVersion=1, discipline=2, parameterCategory=0, parameterNumber=193, typeOfStatisticalProcessing=1 | 436002 with constituentType=3 |
228082 | aco2rec | Accumulated Carbon Dioxide Ecosystem Respiration | kg m**-2 | localTablesVersion=1, discipline=2, parameterCategory=0, parameterNumber=194, typeOfStatisticalProcessing=1 | 437002 with constituentType=3 |
228083 | fco2nee | Flux of Carbon Dioxide Net Ecosystem Exchange | kg m**-2 s**-1 | localTablesVersion=1, discipline=2, parameterCategory=0, parameterNumber=195 | 435000 with constituentType=3 |
228084 | fco2gpp | Flux of Carbon Dioxide Gross Primary Production | kg m**-2 s**-1 | localTablesVersion=1, discipline=2, parameterCategory=0, parameterNumber=197 | 436000 with constituentType=3 |
228085 | fco2rec | Flux of Carbon Dioxide Ecosystem Respiration | kg m**-2 s**-1 | localTablesVersion=1, discipline=2, parameterCategory=0, parameterNumber=196 | 437000 with constituentType=3 |
260051 | csrwe | Convective snowfall rate water equivalent | kg m**-2 s**-1 | discipline=0, parameterCategory=1, parameterNumber=55 | 228220 |
260052 | lssrwe | Large scale snowfall rate water equivalent | kg m**-2 s**-1 | discipline=0, parameterCategory=1, parameterNumber=56, typeOfFirstFixedSurface=1 | |
260185 | soilw | Volumetric soil moisture content | Proportion | discipline=2, parameterCategory=0, parameterNumber=9 | 260199 |
260201 | uplst | Upper layer soil temperature | K | discipline=2, parameterCategory=3, parameterNumber=1 | |
260202 | uplsm | Upper layer soil moisture | kg m**-3 | discipline=2, parameterCategory=3, parameterNumber=2 | |
260203 | lowlsm | Lower layer soil moisture | kg m**-3 | discipline=2, parameterCategory=3, parameterNumber=3 | |
260204 | botlst | Bottom layer soil temperature | K | discipline=2, parameterCategory=3, parameterNumber=4 | |
260205 | soill | Liquid volumetric soil moisture (non-frozen) | Proportion | discipline=2, parameterCategory=3, parameterNumber=5 | 260210 |
260207 | smref | Transpiration stress-onset (soil moisture) | Proportion | discipline=2, parameterCategory=3, parameterNumber=7 | |
260208 | smdry | Direct evaporation cease (soil moisture) | Proportion | discipline=2, parameterCategory=3, parameterNumber=8 | |
260209 | poros | Soil porosity | Proportion | discipline=2, parameterCategory=3, parameterNumber=9 |
Changed long names
paramId | Old name | New name |
UV visible albedo for direct radiation | UV visible albedo for direct radiation (climatological) | |
UV visible albedo for diffuse radiation | UV visible albedo for diffuse radiation (climatological) | |
Near IR albedo for direct radiation | Near IR albedo for direct radiation (climatological) | |
Near IR albedo for diffuse radiation | Near IR albedo for diffuse radiation (climatological) | |
Clear sky surface photosynthetically active radiation | Surface photosynthetically active radiation, clear sky | |
Standard deviation of filtered subgrid orography | Standard deviation of filtered subgrid orography (climatological) | |
Convective precipitation (water) | Convective precipitation | |
Surface roughness | Surface roughness (climatological) | |
Albedo | Albedo (climatological) | |
Top net solar radiation, clear sky | Top net short-wave (solar) radiation, clear sky | |
Top net thermal radiation, clear sky | Top net long-wave (thermal) radiation, clear sky | |
TOA incident solar radiation | TOA incident short-wave (solar) radiation | |
Logarithm of surface roughness length for heat | Logarithm of surface roughness length for heat (climatological) | |
U-component of current | U-component of current | |
V-component of current | V-component of current | |
large scale precipitation | Large-scale precipitation | |
Snow melt | Snowmelt | |
Vertical integral of kinetic energy | Total column vertically-integrated kinetic energy | |
Vertical integral of thermal energy | Total column vertically-integrated enthalpy | |
Vertical integral of potential+internal energy | Total column vertically-integrated potential + internal energy | |
Vertical integral of total energy | Total column vertically-integrated total energy | |
Vertical integral of divergence of moisture flux | Vertically integrated moisture divergence flux | |
UV visible albedo for direct radiation, isotropic component | UV visible albedo for direct radiation, isotropic component (climatological) | |
UV visible albedo for direct radiation, volumetric component | UV visible albedo for direct radiation, volumetric component (climatological) | |
UV visible albedo for direct radiation, geometric component | UV visible albedo for direct radiation, geometric component (climatological) | |
Near IR albedo for direct radiation, isotropic component | Near IR albedo for direct radiation, isotropic component (climatological) | |
Near IR albedo for direct radiation, volumetric component | Near IR albedo for direct radiation, volumetric component (climatological) | |
Near IR albedo for direct radiation, geometric component | Near IR albedo for direct radiation, geometric component (climatological) | |
UV visible albedo for diffuse radiation, isotropic component | UV visible albedo for diffuse radiation, isotropic component | |
UV visible albedo for diffuse radiation, volumetric component | UV visible albedo for diffuse radiation, volumetric component | |
UV visible albedo for diffuse radiation, geometric component | UV visible albedo for diffuse radiation, geometric component | |
Near IR albedo for diffuse radiation, isotropic component | Near IR albedo for diffuse radiation, isotropic component | |
Near IR albedo for diffuse radiation, volumetric component | Near IR albedo for diffuse radiation, volumetric component | |
Near IR albedo for diffuse radiation, geometric component | Near IR albedo for diffuse radiation, geometric component | |
Column integrated mass density of Volcanic sulfur dioxide | Column integrated mass density of Volcanic sulfur dioxide | |
Column integrated mass density of Aromatic peroxy radical | Column integrated mass density of Aromatic peroxy radical | |
Column integrated mass density of Ethyne | Column integrated mass density of Ethyne | |
Column integrated mass density of Acetonitrile | Column integrated mass density of Acetonitrile | |
Column integrated mass density of Methyl peroxy nitrate | Column integrated mass density of Methyl peroxy nitrate | |
Column integrated mass density of Hydrogen cyanide | Column integrated mass density of Hydrogen cyanide | |
Column integrated mass density of Hydroperoxy aldehydes type 1 | Column integrated mass density of Hydroperoxy aldehydes type 1 | |
Column integrated mass density of Hydroperoxy aldehydes type 2 | Column integrated mass density of Hydroperoxy aldehydes type 2 | |
Column integrated mass density of Isoprene peroxy type B | Column integrated mass density of Isoprene peroxy type B | |
Column integrated mass density of Isoprene peroxy type D | Column integrated mass density of Isoprene peroxy type D | |
Column integrated mass density of Anthropogenic volatile organic compounds | Column integrated mass density of Anthropogenic volatile organic compounds | |
Column integrated mass density of Biomass burning volatile organic compounds | Column integrated mass density of Biomass burning volatile organic compounds | |
Atmosphere emission mass flux of Volcanic sulfur dioxide | Atmosphere emission mass flux of Volcanic sulfur dioxide | |
Atmosphere emission mass flux of Aromatic peroxy radical | Atmosphere emission mass flux of Aromatic peroxy radical | |
Atmosphere emission mass flux of Ethyne | Atmosphere emission mass flux of Ethyne | |
Atmosphere emission mass flux of Acetonitrile | Atmosphere emission mass flux of Acetonitrile | |
Atmosphere emission mass flux of Methyl peroxy nitrate | Atmosphere emission mass flux of Methyl peroxy nitrate | |
Atmosphere emission mass flux of Hydrogen cyanide | Atmosphere emission mass flux of Hydrogen cyanide | |
Atmosphere emission mass flux of Hydroperoxy aldehydes type 1 | Atmosphere emission mass flux of Hydroperoxy aldehydes type 1 | |
Atmosphere emission mass flux of Hydroperoxy aldehydes type 2 | Atmosphere emission mass flux of Hydroperoxy aldehydes type 2 | |
Atmosphere emission mass flux of Isoprene peroxy type B | Atmosphere emission mass flux of Isoprene peroxy type B | |
Atmosphere emission mass flux of Isoprene peroxy type D | Atmosphere emission mass flux of Isoprene peroxy type D | |
Atmosphere emission mass flux of Anthropogenic volatile organic compounds | Atmosphere emission mass flux of Anthropogenic volatile organic compounds | |
Atmosphere emission mass flux of Biomass burning volatile organic compounds | Atmosphere emission mass flux of Biomass burning volatile organic compounds | |
Dry deposition velocity of Volcanic sulfur dioxide | Dry deposition velocity of Volcanic sulfur dioxide | |
Dry deposition velocity of Aromatic peroxy radical | Dry deposition velocity of Aromatic peroxy radical | |
Dry deposition velocity of Ethyne | Dry deposition velocity of Ethyne | |
Dry deposition velocity of Acetonitrile | Dry deposition velocity of Acetonitrile | |
Dry deposition velocity of Methyl peroxy nitrate | Dry deposition velocity of Methyl peroxy nitrate | |
Dry deposition velocity of Hydrogen cyanide | Dry deposition velocity of Hydrogen cyanide | |
Dry deposition velocity of Hydroperoxy aldehydes type 1 | Dry deposition velocity of Hydroperoxy aldehydes type 1 | |
Dry deposition velocity of Hydroperoxy aldehydes type 2 | Dry deposition velocity of Hydroperoxy aldehydes type 2 | |
Dry deposition velocity of Isoprene peroxy type B | Dry deposition velocity of Isoprene peroxy type B | |
Dry deposition velocity of Isoprene peroxy type D | Dry deposition velocity of Isoprene peroxy type D | |
Dry deposition velocity of Anthropogenic volatile organic compounds | Dry deposition velocity of Anthropogenic volatile organic compounds | |
Dry deposition velocity of Biomass burning volatile organic compounds | Dry deposition velocity of Biomass burning volatile organic compounds | |
Time-integrated wet deposition mass flux of Condensable gas type 1 | Time-integrated wet deposition mass flux of Condensable gas type 1 | |
Time-integrated wet deposition mass flux of Condensable gas type 2a | Time-integrated wet deposition mass flux of Condensable gas type 2a | |
Time-integrated wet deposition mass flux of Condensable gas type 2b | Time-integrated wet deposition mass flux of Condensable gas type 2b | |
Clear-sky direct solar radiation at surface | Surface direct short-wave radiation, clear sky | |
Neutral wind at 10 m u-component | U-component of neutral wind | |
Neutral wind at 10 m v-component | V-component of neutral wind | |
Snow Fall water equivalent | Snowfall water equivalent | |
UV index | UV index | |
Estimated u component of wind | Estimated u component of wind | |
Albedo | Forecast albedo | |
X-component of sea ice velocity | Eastward sea ice velocity | |
Y-component of sea ice velocity | Northward sea ice velocity | |
Sea surface salinity | Sea surface practical salinity | |
Vertically-integrated sea water practical salinity in the upper 300 m | Average sea water practical salinity in the upper 300 m | |
Vertically-integrated sea water practical salinity in the upper 700 m | Average sea water practical salinity in the upper 700 m | |
Total column sea water practical salinity | Total column average sea water practical salinity | |
Time-mean X-component of sea ice velocity | Time-mean eastward sea ice velocity | |
Time-mean Y-component of sea ice velocity | Time-mean northward sea ice velocity |
Changed units
paramId | shortName | name | units_old | units_new |
29 | tvl | Type of low vegetation | ~ | (code table 4.234) |
30 | tvh | Type of high vegetation | ~ | (code table 4.234) |
143 | cp | Convective precipitation | kg m**-2 | m |
148 | chnk | Charnock | ~ | Numeric |
152 | lnsp | Logarithm of surface pressure | ~ | Numeric |
234 | lsrh | Logarithm of surface roughness length for heat (climatological) | ~ | Numeric |
245 | flsr | Forecast logarithm of surface roughness for heat | ~ | Numeric |
262100 | sos | Sea surface practical salinity | Numeric | g kg**-1 |
262118 | sc300m | Average sea water practical salinity in the upper 300 m | 10*-3 m*-2 | g kg**-1 |
262119 | sc700m | Average sea water practical salinity in the upper 700 m | 10*-3 m*-2 | g kg**-1 |
262120 | scbtm | Total column average sea water practical salinity | 10*-3 m*-2 | g kg**-1 |
262500 | so | Sea water practical salinity | 10**-3 | g kg**-1 |
263100 | avg_sos | Time-mean sea surface practical salinity | Numeric | g kg**-1 |
263118 | avg_sc300m | Time-mean average sea water practical salinity in the upper 300 m | 10*-3 m*-2 | g kg**-1 |
263119 | avg_sc700m | Time-mean average sea water practical salinity in the upper 700 m | 10*-3 m*-2 | g kg**-1 |
263120 | avg_scbtm | Time-mean total column average sea water practical salinity | 10*-3 m*-2 | g kg**-1 |
263500 | avg_so | Time-mean sea water practical salinity | 10**-3 | g kg**-1 |
paramId | Old name | New name | ||
UV visible albedo for direct radiation | UV visible albedo for direct radiation (climatological) | |||
UV visible albedo for diffuse radiation | UV visible albedo for diffuse radiation (climatological) | |||
Near IR albedo for direct radiation | Near IR albedo for direct radiation (climatological) | |||
Near IR albedo for diffuse radiation | Near IR albedo for diffuse radiation (climatological) | |||
Clear sky surface photosynthetically active radiation | Surface photosynthetically active radiation, clear sky | |||
Standard deviation of filtered subgrid orography | Standard deviation of filtered subgrid orography (climatological) | |||
Convective precipitation (water) | Convective precipitation | |||
Surface roughness | Surface roughness (climatological) | |||
Albedo | Albedo (climatological) | |||
Top net solar radiation, clear sky | Top net short-wave (solar) radiation, clear sky | |||
Top net thermal radiation, clear sky | Top net long-wave (thermal) radiation, clear sky | |||
TOA incident solar radiation | TOA incident short-wave (solar) radiation | |||
Logarithm of surface roughness length for heat | Logarithm of surface roughness length for heat (climatological) | |||
U-component of current | U-component of current | |||
V-component of current | V-component of current | |||
large scale precipitation | Large-scale precipitation | |||
Snow melt | Snowmelt | |||
Vertical integral of kinetic energy | Total column vertically-integrated kinetic energy | |||
Vertical integral of thermal energy | Total column vertically-integrated enthalpy | |||
Vertical integral of potential+internal energy | Total column vertically-integrated potential + internal energy | |||
Vertical integral of total energy | Total column vertically-integrated total energy | |||
Vertical integral of divergence of moisture flux | Vertically integrated moisture divergence flux | |||
UV visible albedo for direct radiation, isotropic component | UV visible albedo for direct radiation, isotropic component (climatological) | |||
UV visible albedo for direct radiation, volumetric component | UV visible albedo for direct radiation, volumetric component (climatological) | |||
UV visible albedo for direct radiation, geometric component | UV visible albedo for direct radiation, geometric component (climatological) | |||
Near IR albedo for direct radiation, isotropic component | Near IR albedo for direct radiation, isotropic component (climatological) | |||
Near IR albedo for direct radiation, volumetric component | Near IR albedo for direct radiation, volumetric component (climatological) | |||
Near IR albedo for direct radiation, geometric component | Near IR albedo for direct radiation, geometric component (climatological) | |||
UV visible albedo for diffuse radiation, isotropic component | UV visible albedo for diffuse radiation, isotropic component | |||
UV visible albedo for diffuse radiation, volumetric component | UV visible albedo for diffuse radiation, volumetric component | |||
UV visible albedo for diffuse radiation, geometric component | UV visible albedo for diffuse radiation, geometric component | |||
Near IR albedo for diffuse radiation, isotropic component | Near IR albedo for diffuse radiation, isotropic component | |||
Near IR albedo for diffuse radiation, volumetric component | Near IR albedo for diffuse radiation, volumetric component | |||
Near IR albedo for diffuse radiation, geometric component | Near IR albedo for diffuse radiation, geometric component | |||
Column integrated mass density of Volcanic sulfur dioxide | Column integrated mass density of Volcanic sulfur dioxide | |||
Column integrated mass density of Aromatic peroxy radical | Column integrated mass density of Aromatic peroxy radical | |||
Column integrated mass density of Ethyne | Column integrated mass density of Ethyne | |||
Column integrated mass density of Acetonitrile | Column integrated mass density of Acetonitrile | |||
Column integrated mass density of Methyl peroxy nitrate | Column integrated mass density of Methyl peroxy nitrate | |||
Column integrated mass density of Hydrogen cyanide | Column integrated mass density of Hydrogen cyanide | |||
Column integrated mass density of Hydroperoxy aldehydes type 1 | Column integrated mass density of Hydroperoxy aldehydes type 1 | |||
Column integrated mass density of Hydroperoxy aldehydes type 2 | Column integrated mass density of Hydroperoxy aldehydes type 2 | |||
Column integrated mass density of Isoprene peroxy type B | Column integrated mass density of Isoprene peroxy type B | |||
Column integrated mass density of Isoprene peroxy type D | Column integrated mass density of Isoprene peroxy type D | |||
Column integrated mass density of Anthropogenic volatile organic compounds | Column integrated mass density of Anthropogenic volatile organic compounds | |||
Column integrated mass density of Biomass burning volatile organic compounds | Column integrated mass density of Biomass burning volatile organic compounds | |||
Atmosphere emission mass flux of Volcanic sulfur dioxide | Atmosphere emission mass flux of Volcanic sulfur dioxide | |||
Atmosphere emission mass flux of Aromatic peroxy radical | Atmosphere emission mass flux of Aromatic peroxy radical | |||
Atmosphere emission mass flux of Ethyne | Atmosphere emission mass flux of Ethyne | |||
Atmosphere emission mass flux of Acetonitrile | Atmosphere emission mass flux of Acetonitrile | |||
Atmosphere emission mass flux of Methyl peroxy nitrate | Atmosphere emission mass flux of Methyl peroxy nitrate | |||
Atmosphere emission mass flux of Hydrogen cyanide | Atmosphere emission mass flux of Hydrogen cyanide | |||
Atmosphere emission mass flux of Hydroperoxy aldehydes type 1 | Atmosphere emission mass flux of Hydroperoxy aldehydes type 1 | |||
Atmosphere emission mass flux of Hydroperoxy aldehydes type 2 | Atmosphere emission mass flux of Hydroperoxy aldehydes type 2 | |||
Atmosphere emission mass flux of Isoprene peroxy type B | Atmosphere emission mass flux of Isoprene peroxy type B | |||
Atmosphere emission mass flux of Isoprene peroxy type D | Atmosphere emission mass flux of Isoprene peroxy type D | |||
Atmosphere emission mass flux of Anthropogenic volatile organic compounds | Atmosphere emission mass flux of Anthropogenic volatile organic compounds | |||
Atmosphere emission mass flux of Biomass burning volatile organic compounds | Atmosphere emission mass flux of Biomass burning volatile organic compounds | |||
Dry deposition velocity of Volcanic sulfur dioxide | Dry deposition velocity of Volcanic sulfur dioxide | |||
Dry deposition velocity of Aromatic peroxy radical | Dry deposition velocity of Aromatic peroxy radical | |||
Dry deposition velocity of Ethyne | Dry deposition velocity of Ethyne | |||
Dry deposition velocity of Acetonitrile | Dry deposition velocity of Acetonitrile | |||
Dry deposition velocity of Methyl peroxy nitrate | Dry deposition velocity of Methyl peroxy nitrate | |||
Dry deposition velocity of Hydrogen cyanide | Dry deposition velocity of Hydrogen cyanide | |||
Dry deposition velocity of Hydroperoxy aldehydes type 1 | Dry deposition velocity of Hydroperoxy aldehydes type 1 | |||
Dry deposition velocity of Hydroperoxy aldehydes type 2 | Dry deposition velocity of Hydroperoxy aldehydes type 2 | |||
Dry deposition velocity of Isoprene peroxy type B | Dry deposition velocity of Isoprene peroxy type B | |||
Dry deposition velocity of Isoprene peroxy type D | Dry deposition velocity of Isoprene peroxy type D | |||
Dry deposition velocity of Anthropogenic volatile organic compounds | Dry deposition velocity of Anthropogenic volatile organic compounds | |||
Dry deposition velocity of Biomass burning volatile organic compounds | Dry deposition velocity of Biomass burning volatile organic compounds | |||
Time-integrated wet deposition mass flux of Condensable gas type 1 | Time-integrated wet deposition mass flux of Condensable gas type 1 | |||
Time-integrated wet deposition mass flux of Condensable gas type 2a | Time-integrated wet deposition mass flux of Condensable gas type 2a | |||
Time-integrated wet deposition mass flux of Condensable gas type 2b | Time-integrated wet deposition mass flux of Condensable gas type 2b | |||
Clear-sky direct solar radiation at surface | Surface direct short-wave radiation, clear sky | |||
Neutral wind at 10 m u-component | U-component of neutral wind | |||
Neutral wind at 10 m v-component | V-component of neutral wind | |||
Snow Fall water equivalent | Snowfall water equivalent | |||
UV index | UV index | |||
Estimated u component of wind | Estimated u component of wind | |||
Albedo | Forecast albedo | |||
X-component of sea ice velocity | Eastward sea ice velocity | |||
Y-component of sea ice velocity | Northward sea ice velocity | |||
Sea surface salinity | Sea surface practical salinity | |||
Vertically-integrated sea water practical salinity in the upper 300 m | Average sea water practical salinity in the upper 300 m | |||
Vertically-integrated sea water practical salinity in the upper 700 m | Average sea water practical salinity in the upper 700 m | |||
Total column sea water practical salinity | Total column average sea water practical salinity | |||
Time-mean X-component of sea ice velocity | Time-mean eastward sea ice velocity | |||
Time-mean Y-component of sea ice velocity | Time-mean northward sea ice velocity |
New templates added
Template number | Template name |
4.99 | Analysis or forecast at a horizontal level or in a horizontal layer at a point in time for wave 2D spectra with explicit list of frequencies and directions |
4.100 | Individual ensemble forecast, control and perturbed, at a horizontal level or in a horizontal layer at a point in time for wave 2D spectra with explicit list of frequencies and directions |
4.101 | Analysis or forecast at a horizontal level or in a horizontal layer at a point in time for wave 2D spectra with frequencies and directions defined by formulae |
4.102 | Individual ensemble forecast, control and perturbed, at a horizontal level or in a horizontal layer at a point in time for wave 2D spectra with frequencies and directions defined by formulae |
4.103 | Analysis or forecast at a horizontal level or in a horizontal layer at a point in time for waves selected by period range |
4.104 | Individual ensemble forecast, control and perturbed, at a horizontal level or in a horizontal layer at a point in time for waves selected by period range |
4.105 | Anomalies, significance and other derived products from an analysis or forecast in relation to a reference period at a horizontal level or in a horizontal layer in a continuous or non-continuous time interval |
4.106 | Anomalies, significance and other derived products from an individual ensemble forecast, control and perturbed in relation to a reference period at a horizontal level or in a horizontal layer in a continuous or non-continuous time interval |
4.107 | Anomalies, significance and other derived products from derived forecasts based on all ensemble members in relation to a reference period at a horizontal level or in a horizontal layer in a continuous or non-continuous time interval |
4.112 | Anomalies, significance and other derived products as probability forecasts in relation to a reference period at a horizontal level or in a horizontal layer in a continuous or non-continuous time interval |