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The file name includes a date as : srfddddhhmm, where dddd is the day number of the run, hh is the hour and mm is the minutes. e.g. srf00000120.0002 would be for day 1 and 20mins into the run written from MPI task 2.
Wave model restart files
If the wave model is active, it writes its own restart files (the wave model acts as a sub-model inside OpenIFS). The wave model is active if the logical variable LWCOU is set .true. in the model namelist fort.4.
The wave model restart files begin with the names 'LAW' and 'BLS', each followed by a date substring. A small text file 'waminfo' is also created.
Deletion of old restart files
- calls the I/O subsystem to read the restart files. Counterpart to wrresf.F90. Any changes to wrresf must be mirrored by changes to reresf.F90.
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