Note: a total of 25 Ensemble members
Provider | Type | Level | Realm | Time Resolution | Tar file name | Example variable | Number of ensemble members | Estimated tar file size (GB) | Number of variables of this type/level/realm |
Meteo France | Hindcast | surface | atmos | 6hr | lfpw_System6-v20170501_hindcast_ |
S1993100100_atmos_6hr_surface_tas_n1-n25.tar | tas | 25 | 3.05 | 6 | |
Meteo France | Hindcast | surface | atmos | day | lfpw_System6-v20170501_hindcast_S1993 |
100100_atmos_day_surface_lwee_n1-n25.tar | lwee | 25 | 1 | 16 | |
Meteo France | Hindcast | surface | land | day | lfpw_System6-v20170501_hindcast_S1993 |
100100_land_day_surface_mrlsl_n1-n25.tar | mrlsl | 25 | 0.4 | 6 | |
Meteo France | Hindcast | pressure | atmos | 12hr | lfpw_System6-v20170501_hindcast_S1993 |
100100_atmos_12hr_pressure_va_n1-n25.tar | va | 25 | 23.325 | 5 | |
Meteo France | Hindcast | surface | ocean | 6 hr | lfpw_System6-v20170501_hindcast_S1993 |
100100_ocean_6hr_surface_tso_n1-n25.tar | tso | 25 | 2.15 | 1 | |
Meteo France | Hindcast | surface | seaIce | day | lfpw_System6-v20170501_hindcast_S1993 |
100100_seaIce_day_surface_sic_n1-n25.tar | sic | 25 | 0.2 | 1 |
So the first tar file in the table above ( "lfpw_System6-v20170501_hindcast_S19931001S1993100100_atmos_6hr_surface_tas_n1-n25.tar" ) would contain all 25 ensemble members for the tas variable for the start date S19931001. Similar tar files would be created for tasmax, tasmin etc.
Note a total of 51 ensemble members; for pressure level variables where the volume of all the members would be greater than 32GB, 2 tar files should be created for each variable (see yellow boxes below)
Provider | Type | Level | Realm | Time Resolution | Tar file name | Example variable | Number of ensemble members | Estimated tar file size (GB) | Number of variables of this type/level/realm |
Meteo France | Forecast | surface | atmos | 6hr | lfpw_System6-v20170501_forecast_S1993100100_atmos_6hr_surface_tas_n1-n51.tar | tas | 51 | 6.1 | 6 |
Meteo France | Forecast | surface | atmos | day | lfpw_System6-v20170501_forecast_S1993100100_atmos_day_surface_lwee_n1-n51.tar | lwee | 51 | 2 | 16 |
Meteo France | Forecast | surface | land | day | lfpw_System6-v20170501_forecast_S1993100100_land_day_surface_mrlsl_n1-n51.tar | mrlsl | 51 | 0.8 | 6 |
Meteo France | Forecast | pressure | atmos | 12hr | lfpw_System6-v20170501_forecast_S1993100100_atmos_12hr_pressure_va_n1-n25.tar | va | 25 | 23.325 | 5 |
Meteo France | Forecast | pressure | atmos | 12hr | lfpw_System6-v20170501_forecast_S1993100100_atmos_12hr_pressure_va_n26-n51.tar | va | 26 | 23.325 | 5 |
Meteo France | Forecast | surface | ocean | 6 hr | lfpw_System6-v20170501_forecast_S1993100100_ocean_6hr_surface_tso_n1-n51.tar | tso | 51 | 4.3 | 1 |
Meteo France | Forecast | surface | seaIce | day | lfpw_System6-v20170501_forecast_S1993100100_seaIce_day_surface_sic_n1-n51.tar | sic | 51 | 0.4 | 1 |
So the forecast pressure level data for va would be sent in 2 tar files, one containing 25 members, and the other containing 26 members (lfpw_System6-v20170501_forecast_S1993100100_atmos_12hr_pressure_va_n1-n25.tar and lfpw_System6-v20170501_forecast_S1993100100_atmos_12hr_pressure_va_n26-n51.tar ).