OpenIFS 38r1 (all versions) and 40r1v1 can't be used 40r1v1 need a small code change to work with the ECMWF ecCodes library. This is because of the use of a deprecated grib related subroutine that was replaced in ecCodes. The compilation will fail with a message similar to: Code Block |
[FAIL] Error: Keyword argument requires explicit interface for procedure ‘grib_new_from_template’ at (1)
[FAIL] compile 0.0 ! grib_api_interface.o <- ifsaux/module/grib_api_interface.F90 |
For these versions, please continue to use make the following change to the code. Edit ifsaux/module/grib_api in place of ecCodes. If this is not possible, please contact for a workaround. |