This document describes the required tasks to carry out the control experiment to simulate on the ECMWF's HPCF the extra-tropical evolution of Tropical Cyclone Karl.
In contrast to the yesterday's Acceptance Test experiment , carried out yesterday, this does will not require an interactive session on the Cray's postprocessing nodes. We will submit the control experiment as a batch job.
- We will use a pre-compiled and pre-installed version of OpenIFS 43r3 on the ECMWF's HPCF.
- We will carry out a 6-day (144 hours) control experiment starting on 25 Sep 2016 at 00h00 UTC.
- We will use OpenIFS with a cubic octahedral grid at horizontal resolution Tco399 and 137 vertical levels.
- The control experiment will be initialised from ERA-5 reanalysis data.