- Data Supplier Guide on confluence: https://confluence.ecmwf.int/display/CST/DSG%3A+Data+supplier+guide
- Guide for Data Delivery and submitting variable names for the CDS / C3S team: Dataset delivery: CDS and Toolbox
- Submitting Data to the CDS: https://confluence.ecmwf.int/display/COPSRV/How+to+integrate+data+in+the+CDS+Catalogue
- Guidance on preparing abstracts for the CDS catalogue Guidelines for content of an abstract on the CDS overview page
- SUBMITTING APPLICATIONS to the catalogue: Delivering Public applications to on the CDS or download the .docx file Delivering Public applications to the CDS-v9-20190620_111203.docx
- Common data model: https://confluence.ecmwf.int/display/CST/CDM%3A+Common+data+model+specification
- How to contribute to the toolbox: https://confluence.ecmwf.int/display/COPSRV/How+to+contribute+to+the+toolbox
Harmonised table template: Harmonized_tables C3S_SIS_EXAMPLE.xlsx- Developed by Predictia to support the migration of the POC demonstrators: Web architecture to develop demonstrators based on the CDS Toolbox (intrim report): C3S 425 technical document.pdf