Versions Compared


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On the ECMWF hpc2020 our model has been previously installed to $OIFS_HOME which is in $HOME/openifs-48r1. 1. For the experiment we extract the ab2a package to to $OIFS_EXPT which is in a different location on the file system. The experiment directory shall therefore be $OIFS_EXPT/ab2a/2016092500


Code Block
#--- required variables for this experiment:

OIFS_EXPID="ab2a"       # your experiment ID
OIFS_RES="255"          # the spectral grid resolution (here: T255)
OIFS_GRIDTYPE="l"       # the grid type, either 'l' for linear reduced grid, or 'o' for the cubic octahedral grid
OIFS_NPROC=8            # the number of MPI tasks
OIFS_NTHREAD=4          # the number of OpenMP threads
OIFS_PPROC=true         # enable postprocessing of model output after the model run
OUTPUT_ROOT=$(pwd)      # folder where pproc output is created (only used if OIFS_PPROC=true). In this case an output folder is created in the experiment directory.
LFORCE=true             # overwrite existing symbolic links in the experiment directory
LAUNCH=""               # the platform specific run command for the MPI environment (e.g. "mpirun", "srun", etc).

#--- optional variables that can be set for this experiment:

#OIFS_NAMELIST='my-fort.4'               # custom atmospheric model namelist file
#OIFS_EXEC="<cutome<custom-path>/ifsMASTER.DP"  # model exec to be used for this experiment


    • It is important to change "/path/to/your/config/" to the actual path for the, e.g., "$HOME/openifs-48r1.1/"
    • The default resources requested in run.ecmwf-hpc2020.job are  8 nodes on the ECMWF hpc2020 machine, with a total of 256 MPI tasks and 4 OpenMP threads. This can be changed as required.
    • For information, the LAUNCH command for batch job submission is set to "srun" without any further options, because all required parallel environment settings are provided through the SLURM script headers.
