Page History
- ECMWF strategy 2015-2025 is centred on ENS development
- The horizontal and vertical resolutions of the medium range control member ensemble (CTRLENS) became almost identical to HRES upon the introduction of Cy48r1 in June 2023.the same as for the HRES after the upgrade to IFS (Cy48r1) introduced in June 2023. The HRES forecast and the unperturbed ENS control forecast are meteorologically equivalent and equally skilful on average. They have the same physical and dynamical representation of the atmosphere and use the same parameterisation of sub-gridscale effects. However, they can diverge on a day-to-day basis due to small technical differences and the chaotic nature of the atmosphere. The HRES will continue for the time being for ease of use by customers and users.
Use of the ensemble control member (CTRL)
The main strategy to adopt is to avoid over-interpreting non-predictable features. Therefore the detail of the most recent ensemble members should not be used in isolation. Run-to-run jumpiness can on the one hand be tackled as something negative that has to be dampened, but on the other hand as something positive which can enrich the forecast information by giving alternative scenarios. Ensemble members can give an indication of the probability and the consistency of features of the forecast.
Ensemble control member and HRES
Since introduction of Cy48r1 in June 2023, HRES and the ensemble control member have the same horizontal and vertical resolution. However, there are some minor differences in the model structure.
HRES should be considered as just another (unperturbed) member of the ensemble. Sometimes quite large differences from other ensemble members occur. But analysis of HRES and ensemble forecasts give some evidence that HRES and Control forecast are meteorologically equivalent. See further comments on the similarity and differences between HRES and ENS control.
Use of the ensemble mean (EM)
It is important to avoid over-interpretation of the ensemble mean, in particular underestimation of the risk of extreme weather events. To aid visual interpretation by the user, ensemble mean output should be presented together with a measure of the ensemble spread. The ensemble mean and the probabilities relate naturally to each other and can be most effective when shown together. So, for example, the ensemble mean of the MSLP (or 1000hPa) presented together with gale probabilities will put the latter into a synoptic context that will help interpretation (see Fig6.1.-1).
Fig6.1.1 (same as Fig4.1.5)-1: 1000hPa forecast from 12UTC 13 August 2010 T+156hr to 00UTC 16 August 00 UTC T+96 h, all valid at 00UTC 20 August 2010. Full lines are the 1000 hPa geopotential EM overlaid by the probabilities of wind speeds >10m/s. Probabilities are coloured in 20% intervals starting from 20%. Compare with Fig4.1.3 and Fig4.1.4.