Job Directives
Any shell script can be submitted as a Slurm job with no modifications. In such a case, sensible default values will be applied to the job. However, you can configure the script to fit your needs through job directives. In Slurm, these are just special comments in your script, usually at the top just after the shebang line, with the form:
Code Block | ||
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#!/bin/bash # The job name #SBATCH --job-name=helloworld # Set the error and output files #SBATCH --output=hello-%J.out #SBATCH --error=hello-%J.out # Set the initial working directory #SBATCH --chdir=/scratch/us/usxauser # Choose the queue #SBATCH -–qos-qos=express # Wall clock time limit #SBATCH --time=00:05:00 # Send an email on failure #SBATCH --mail-type=FAIL # This is the job echo “Hello World!” sleep 30 |
Info |
You can also use these options as command line arguments to sbatch. |
General directives
Directive | Description | Default | ||
| Project account for resource accounting and billing purposes. | default project account for the user | ||
| A descriptive name of the job | Script name | ||
--chdir=... | Working directory of the job. The output and error files can be defined relative to this directory | submitting directory | ||
| Path to the file where standard output is redirected. Special placeholders for job id (%j) and the execution node (%N) | slurm-%j.out | ||
| Path to the file where standard error is redirected. Special placeholders for job id (%j) and the execution node (%N) | output value | ||
| Quality of Service (or queue) where the job is to be submitted. Check the available queues for the platform. | normalnf or ef | ||
| Wall clock limit of the job. Note that this is not cpu time limit The format can be: m, m:s, h:m:s, d-h, d-h:m or d-h:m:s | qos default time limit | ||
--mail-type=<type> | Notify user by email when certain event types occur. Valid values are: BEGIN, END, FAIL, REQUEUE and ALL | disabled | ||
--mail-user=<email> | email address to send the email | submitting user
| Export variables to the job, comma separated entries of the form VAR=VALUE. ALL means export the entire environment from the submitting shell into the job. NONE means getting a fresh session. | On ECGATE and Linux Clusters: ALL |
Directives for resource
Note |
These directives are not available for ECGATE or Linux Clusters outside a parallel queue |
Directive | Description | Default |
| Allocate resources for the specified number of parallel tasks. Note that a job requesting more than one must be submitted to a parallel queue. There might not be any parallel queue configured on the cluster | 1 |
| Allocate <nodes> number of nodes to the job | 1 |
| Allocate <threads> number of cpus for every task. Use for threaded applications. | 1 |
| Allocate a maximum of <tasks> tasks on every node. | node capacity |
| Allocate <threads> threads on every core (HyperThreading) | core thread capacity |
| Use or not hyperthreaded cores and define the binding accordingly. | not defined |
| Allocate <mem> memory for on each taskcore thread capacitynode | 8 GB for serial and fractional jobs(*i, *f and *l QoS), 240 for parallel jobs (*p QoS) |
Tip |
See man sbatch or for the complete list of directives and their options. |
Job variables
Inside a job, you can benefit from some variables defined by SLURM automatically. Some examples are:
Tip | ||
For a complete list of variables defined by slurm, you submit a job which runs
Job arrays
Job arrays offer a mechanism for submitting and managing collections of similar jobs quickly and easily. The array index values are specified using the --array or -a option of the sbatch command. The option argument can be specific array index values, a range of index values, and an optional step size as shown in the examples below. Jobs which are part of a job array will have the environment variable SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID set to its array index value.
Tip | |||||
The --array option can also be used inside the job script as a job directive. For example:
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Show If | |||||
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Job arrays or other multiple concurrent jobs using IDLIf you are running a job array or other multiple concurrent jobs on lxc that call IDL then it is good to constrain these to run on a small number of nodes to limit the number of IDL licences requested. To do this add the --constraint=idl option to the scripts job directives: