# Metview Example
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# Copyright 2018 ECMWF. This software is distributed under the terms
# of the Apache License version 2.0. In applying this license, ECMWF does not
# waive the privileges and immunities granted to it by virtue of its status as
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# ***************************** LICENSE END ************************************
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Description: Demonstrates how to define a contour level list so that only
# field values in a certain range are coloured.
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
import metview as mv
# read the input grib file
my_data = mv.read("2m_temperature.grib")
# set up the background coastlines
my_background = mv.mcoast(map_label = "ON",
map_grid_line_style = "DASH",
map_grid_colour = "GREY",
map_coastline_colour = "BLACK",
map_coastline_land_shade = "ON",
map_coastline_land_shade_colour = "CREAM")
# set up the geographical area
my_view = mv.geoview(map_area_definition = "CORNERS",
map_projection = "CYLINDRICAL",
area = [35,-15,70,35],
coastlines = my_background)
# set up the contour so that only one level is coloured
my_contour = mv.mcont(contour_level_selection_type = "LEVEL_LIST",
contour_level_list = [-70.00,0.00],
contour_label = "OFF",
legend = "ON",
contour = "OFF",
contour_shade = "ON",
contour_shade_colour_method = "LIST",
contour_shade_method = "AREA_FILL",
contour_shade_colour_direction = "ANTI_CLOCKWISE",
contour_shade_colour_list = ["rgba(0.498,0.8,0.8,0.6)"])
# set-up the title
my_title = mv.mtext(text_font_size = 0.5,
text_lines = ["<font size='0.7'>Temperature below 0C</font>",
text_colour = "CHARCOAL")
# define the output plot file
mv.setoutput(mv.pdf_output(output_name = 'contour10')) |