The data available through the Web API is organized in Datasets has its own availability. If you go toTo check the availability of ECMWF Public Datasets go to the web interface:
You will view Using this interface you can discover all the ECMWF Public Datasets that are available from our archive. We strongly recommend you to to navigate through our public datasets archive to become familiar with the their availability of our archive. You may select a Public Dataset and start navigate navigating trough the contentsits content.
Note |
Please take into account some considerations about the content: Some of the Datasets available are not complete: - Different Datasets include different "parameters" , "times", and "steps"
- In each Datasets ECMWF Public Dataset not all the "parameters" are available from all "steps"
- In each Datasets ECMWF Public Dataset not all the "steps" are available from all "times"
The web -application interface above will help you to check and understand the availability. For any kind of selections the system will update the attributes in a dynamic way to reflect the current availability. (ie i.e. if you change the steps some parameters will be added or removed).
Info |
We encourage users to use the " View MARS request " feature at the bottom of the page once the selection has been done. Using this MARS request you can build your own Python script. See If you are interested on the syntax go to Brief request syntax |
For instance:
Expand |
title | Click here to see an example of usage... |
interim Dataset this specific Dataset - it is available, the forecast steps and the parameters that are available etc.
- From this page you have the option to define the
attributes - values of your requests such as the "date", the "time" the "steps" and the "parameters" that you are interested in.
- In the case of
the interim Dataset - ERA-Interim if you select time "06:00:00" only, the system updates the availability of the "steps" dynamically. In that case only the "step" 00 is available (
ie Additionally - Additionally if you select "step" 00 you will see that only a subset of the parameters are now available and only these parameters can now be checked.
Spend some time to understand how it works, make some selections try to execute the MARS scripts.