The GIFS-TIGGE working group is one of three THORPEX working group, the others being DAOS (Data Assimilation and Observing Systems) and PDP (Predictability and Dynamical Processes). The THORPEX GIFS-TIGGE working group coordinates the development, maintenance and exploitation of the TIGGE project, and work towards a future Global Interactive Forecast System (GIFS).
After the completion of THORPEX, the role of the GIFS-TIGGE and PDP working groups will be taken over by a new WWRP working group on Predictability, Dynamics and Ensemble Forecasting (PDEF), with the development and maintenance of TIGGE coordinated by the TIGGE Panel.
This web page provides a complete set of reports from the GIFS-TIGGE working group, from the initial development of TIGGE, the development of probabilistic products to support GIFS through to plans for the THORPEX legacy.
Reports from the GIFS-TIGGE working group are listed below, in reverse time order. The reports include minutes of working group meetings, and reports by the co-chairs to the THORPEX International Core Steering Committee (ICSC) meetings. Note that presentations from some of the meetings are also available from the WMO THORPEX website.
- GIFS-TIGGE WG report to ICSC-12, November 2014
- 2nd joint meeting with PDP WG (13th meeting), WWOSC Montreal, 18 August 2014
- 12th meeting, Geneva, 18 March 2014
- Joint meeting with PDP working group, Geneva, 19-20 March 2014
- GIFS-TIGGE WG report to ICSC-11, July 2013
- 11th meeting, Exeter, 12-14 June 2013
- GIFS-TIGGE WG report to ICSC-10, October 2012
- 10th meeting, Boulder, 25-27 June 2012
- GIFS-TIGGE WG report to ICSC-9, September 2011
- 9th meeting, Geneva, 31 August - 2 September 2011
- 8th meeting, Geneva, 22-24 February 2010
- Joint session with SWFDP steering group, Geneva, 24 February 2010
- Draft proposal for GIFS-FDP, February 2010
- GIFS-TIGGE report to ICSC-8, November 2009
- 7th meeting, TTISS Monterey, September 2009
- GIFS - report on long-term vision, October 2008
- GIFS-TIGGE report to ICSC-7, November 2008
- 6th meeting (action items), Geneva, 22-26 September 2008
- 5th meeting (action items), Pretoria, 11-13 March 2008
- 4th meeting, Beijing, 21-22 March 2007
- 3rd meeting, STISS Landshut, December 2006
- 2nd meeting, Reading, 22 March 2006
- 1st meeting, Boulder, 15-16 February 2005
- Implementation meeting, 9-10 November 2005
- Report to SAB and TAB, 2005
- Report on archiving, 2005
- Report on 1st TIGGE workshop, ECMWF, 1-3 March 2005