The scientific theme of this meeting will be Atmospheric Composition and impacts on Numerical Weather Prediction and the programme will include keynote presentations from invited speakers, as well as contributed presentations and posters, related to this theme or to wider research involving the OpenIFS model. Practical sessions are planned with a focus on introducing the new OpenIFS/AC model to the community, including a brief introductory session for new OpenIFS users on the first day. An important aspect of the user meeting is the opportunity for new and experienced OpenIFS users to meet and to network (with social events!) and to showcase their use of OpenIFS.
Update 31 Jan 2023
Registration A second announcement will be sent in January 2023 when registration and abstract submission will open. Please note that are NOW OPEN and will close on 3rd March 2023.
To register for this event please click here: https://events.ecmwf.int/event/340/
Please note:
- Registration is free but limited to 50 participants due to classroom size for the computer practicals. Applications will therefore be moderated.
- Abstract submission is not required to participate, but we encourage all applicants to submit an abstract for either oral or poster presentation and from across all science topics OpenIFS is used for.
- We would like participants to bring their own laptop to the event for use in the computer practicals.
- Financial support is available through the European Meteorological Society’s Young Scientist Conference Award scheme. If you wish to be considered for support please apply directly at the EMS award scheme page here: https://www.emetsoc.org/awards/award-category/young-scientist-conference-awards/
- Please indicate in your application if you require a letter of invitation.
For further information about the OpenIFS User Meeting, including hotel recommendations, please refer to the events page here: https://confluence.ecmwf.int/display/OIFS/6th+OpenIFS+User+Meeting+2023 the number of participants will be limited to 50.