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If you wish to use ecFlow to run your workloads, ECMWF will provide you with ready-to-go ecFlow server running on an independent Virtual Machine outside the HPCF. Those servers would take care of the orchestration of your workflow, while all tasks in your suites would actually be submitted and run on HPCF. With each machine being dedicated to one ecFlow server, there are no restrictions of cpu time and no possibility of interference with other users.


Please avoid running the ecFlow servers yourself on HPCF nodes. If you still have one, please get in touch with us through the ECMWF support portal to discuss your options.

Show If

titleprepIFS and ecFlow

If you are running prepIFS experiments, those will not require you to set up a personal ecflow server. They will appear on preconfigured, dedicated servers for IFS experiments. Please refer to Migrating from Reading to Bologna for IFS users for more information.

Getting started

If you don't have a server yet, please raise an issue through the ECMWF support portal requesting one.

We will create one for you and give you the server details, so you can connect straightaway from both your ecFlow client on the command line as well as the ecFlow UI.

For example, if you are given the server ecflow-gen-$USER-001, you can check it's up and running and see some stats from the HPCF with:

No Format
$ module load ecflow
$ export ECF_HOST=ecflow-gen-$USER-001                                                                                                                                
$ ecflow_client --ping
$ ecflow_client --stats

To configure it on your ecFlow UI, just go into Servers-Manage Servers and click on Add Server.

You can then fill in the form with the Host given and Port 3141.


You don't need to SSH into the server unless there is a problem. If the server died for some reason, it should be restarted automatically, but if it does not, you may restart it manually with:

No Format
ssh $ECF_HOST sudo systemctl restart ecflow-server


We recommend you to create a White List authorisation file under your ~/ecflow_server directory called  <host>.3141.ecf.lists. For example, you may only allow full access to your own user and leave the rest read only with:

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If you create or update your while list, remember to issue the following command so the server picks it up:

No Format
ecflow_client --reloadwsfile

Preparing your suites and tasks

Both HPCF and ecFlow Server will recognise you as the same user and use the same HOME and PERM filesystems. For simplicity, in most cases the easiest solution is to keep your suite's ECF_HOME, ECF_FILES, ECF_INCLUDE on HOME or PERM, instead SCRATCH or HPCERM.

titleWhere to store the job output?

For the job standard output and error, we recommend using HOME in most cases. We discourage the PERM as it is known to cause random job failures.

If you don't want to use HOME, you may use HPCPERM or SCRATCH for ECF_OUT as well. However, bear in mind that in those cases you may need to start and maintain a log server on the HPCF to be able to see the job output from your ecFlow UI.

Remember that all tasks will need to be submitted as jobs through the batch system, so you should avoid running tasks locally on the node where the server runs. Make sure that your task header contains the necessary SBATCH directives to run the job. As a minimum:

Code Block
titlehead.h snippet
#SBATCH --job-name=%ECF_JOB%

You may need to add more directives for parallel jobs to define the resources needed. See HPC2020: Batch system for more examples and potential options you may wish to include.

Example of task include files enabling communication between a batch job and ecFlow servers are available from ECMWF git repository.


If you decide to store the jobs standard output and error on a filesystem only mounted on the HPCF (such as SCRATCH or HPCPERM), your ecFlow UI running outside the HPCF - such as your VDI, will not be able to access the output of those jobs out of the box. In that case you would need to start a log server on the Atos HPCF so your client can access those outputs. The logserver must run on the hpc-log node, and if you need a crontab to make sure it is running you should place it on hpc-cron.

Trapping of errors

It is crucial that ecFlow knows when a task has failed so it can report accurately what is the state of all your tasks in your suites. This is why you need to make sure error trapping is done properly. This is typically done in one of your ecFlow headers, for which you have an example in the  ECMWF git repository.

titleMigrating from other platforms

If you are migrating your suite from a previous ECMWF platform, it is quite likely that the your headers will need some tweaking in order for the trapping to work well on our Atos HPCF. This is a minimal example of a header configured with error trapping which you can use as is, or use as inspiration to modify your existing headers. The main points are:

  • Make sure you have at least a set -e in your header so any non-zero return code triggers a failure straight away.
  • DO NOT trap signal 15 (SIGTERM) in your ecFlow header, even if it sounds counterintuitive. You should trap at least signal 0, but for robustness we advise to trap all the rest except SIGTERM.
  • Make sure you do not have a "wait" command before your ecflow-client --abort in your trap function,

Job management

titleSSH key authentication

SSH is used for communication between the ecflow server VM and HPC nodes. Therefore, you need to generate ssh keys and add public key to ~/.ssh/authorized_keys on the same system. For detailed instructions how to generate ssh key pair please look  HPC2020: How to connect page.

ecFlow delegates the job management tasks such as submission, kill or monitor the status to external applications. For your convenience, you may use troika, a tool that will take care of those tasks. To use it, just make sure you have the following variables defined at the suite level:

Code Block
titleJob management variables in your suite.def
edit QUEUE nf
edit SCHOST hpc
edit ECF_JOB_CMD troika submit -o %ECF_JOBOUT% %SCHOST% %ECF_JOB%
edit ECF_KILL_CMD troika kill %SCHOST% %ECF_JOB%
edit ECF_STATUS_CMD troika monitor %SCHOST% %ECF_JOB%

Of course, you may change queue to np if you are running bigger parallel jobs.  

To use a custom troika executable or personal configuration file with Troika, ecFlow variables should be defined like this:

Code Block
titleJob management variables in your suite.def
edit QUEUE nf
edit SCHOST hpc
edit TROIKA /path/to/bin/troika
edit TROIKA_CONFIG /path/to/troika.yml


For convenience, the default location of troika and its configuration file are defined as server variables TROIKA and TROIKA_CONFIG

You are of course free to use any other solution for the job submission, kill and monitor of your jobs. If you write your own, please note that:

  • You will need to use ssh "<complex>-batch" to run the relevant slurm commands on the appropriate complex.
  • If the job has not started when the kill is issued, your ecFlow server would not be notified that the job has been aborted. You would need to manually set it to aborted, or alternatively use -b or -f options so that scancel sends the signal once the job has started.

    No Format
    scancel --signal=TERM -b ${SLURM_JOB_ID}

Connecting to the ecFlow server 

Through VDI

ecflow UI is installed in your VDI, and you can use it to connect to your ecFlow server straight away. 


If on a Reading Based VDI, you may need to configure a logserver to unlock all the remote output visualisation features

While the availability of virtual infrastructure to run ecFlow servers remains limited, you may start your ecFlow servers in the interim HPCF dedicated node to be able to run your suites. 

At a later stage, those ecFlow servers will need to be moved to dedicated Virtual Machines outside the HPCF, where practically no local tasks will be able to run. All ecFlow tasks will need to be submitted to one of the HPCF complexes through the corresponding Batch system.

Please do keep that in mind when migrating or designing your solution.

Table of Contents

Starting the ecFlow server

The server needs to be started using the usual procedure on one of the AA login nodes, not through an interactive job.

No Format
module load ecflow <options>

You may wish to pass extra options to configure the port or your ecflow home. 

Connecting to the ecFlow server 

Due to the current limitation in network connectivity to arbitrary ports between our Reading and Bologna Data Centres, it is not possible to connect to that ecflow server in AA from your usual ecflow_ui in Reading.


Through a graphical VNC session

You may spin up a graphical VNC session on the HPCF with ecinteractive on your VDI. Once in the VNC session, you can then do the following from a terminal within that VNC session:


You may alternatively use the native ecflow_ui client in your End User Device or VDI, but an additional step is required to ensure connectivity between both ends. You will need to create an SSH tunnel, forwarding the port where the ecflow server is running. 

  1. Authenticate via Teleport on your End User device
  2. Create the SSH tunnel with:

  3. Start your ecflow server with your preferred settings on one of the login nodes of AA with
  4. Once you know the hostname and port of the server, from your Linux Desktop or VDI create the SSH tunnel

    No Format
    ssh -N -L<ecflow_port>L3141:localhost:<ecflow_port>3141 -J,hpc-login <ecflow_host>

    where the first '3141' is the local port. For example, if the server is started on the host aa6-100, port 34567 ecflow-gen-user-001:

    No Format
    ssh -N -L34567L3141:localhost:34567 aa6-1003141 -J,hpc-login ecflow-gen-user-001

  5. Open ecflow_ui on your End User Device or VDI and configure the new server, using "localhost" as the host and the ecflow ecFlow (local) port used above.

As the local port, you may use any other free port if that particular one is in use. Note also that you will need to start one ssh tunnel for each ecflow server you want to monitor, using a different local port number.

X11 forwarding


This should be your last resort when running outsite ECMWF, since the experience running heavy graphical applications through X11 forwarding tends to be poor.

You may also run ecflow_ui remotely on the Atos HPCF, and use X11 forwarding to display on your screen:

No Format
ssh -X aahpc-login
module load ecflow

In this case, when adding the server remember it needs to be configured with the real name of the host running the ecflow server, e.g. ecflow-gen-$USER-001