1. Ensemble Version |
Version Identifier Code |
47r133r231r1 |
Date of first implementation of this version | |
-13Mar-06 | |
Please provide a short description of the Ensemble Prediction System | Global ensemble system that simulates initial |
unceratinties uncertainties using singular vectors and perturbations from an ensemble of data assimiliations. Model uncertainties represented with SPPT and SKEB. Based on 51 members, run twice-a-day up to day 15, (extended to 32 days twice weekly, on Mondays and Thursdays). | Global ensemble system that simulates initial |
unceratinties uncertainties using singular vectors and model uncertainties due to physical parameterisations using a stochastic scheme. Based on 51 members, run twice-a-day up to day 15, with at 00UTC a coupled ocean system from day 10 to day 15 (extended to 32 days once a week, on Thursdays). |
Research or Operational? If not operational, are there any plans to become so? |
| Operational |
Operational | Global or Regional EPS? (See section 7 for items specific to regional EPS) |
| Global |
Global | Data time of first forecast run |
Date of last forecast with this version (if applicable) |
Data time of last forecast run (if applicable) |
Is there a higher-resolution control forecast available? (If yes, this should be described in a separate sheet of this spreadsheet.) |
| No |
No | Brief summary of main changes from previous version (keywords). | Coupling to NEMO ocean model, 91 levels with top a 1 Pa, higher horizontal resolution, EDA initial perturbations, revised model uncertainty representation | N/A - First version listed |
2. Configuration of the EPS |
Horizontal resolution of the model. (Where variable resolution is used, please describe in full.) | TL639 | TL399 |
Horizontal configuration and resolution of the output grid | TL639 L91 for day 1 to day 10 (leg 1) and TL319 L91 after day 10 (leg 2) The resolution archived is N320 reduced gaussian grid for leg1 and N160 reduced gaussian grid for leg2. | T399 L62 for day 1 to day 10 (leg 1) and T255 L62 for T+246 to day 15 (leg 2) The resolution archived is N200 reduced gaussian grid for leg1 and N128 reduced gaussian grid for leg2. |
Number of model levels | 91 | 62 |
Type of model levels (eg sigma) |
sigma |
| sigma |
Forecast length and forecast step interval |
T+0h to T+360h at 6h |
| T+0h to T+360h at 6h |
Runs per day (Times in UTC) |
| 2 (00, 12) |
2 (00, 12) | Is there an unperturbed control forecast included? (Y/N) |
Y |
| Y |
Number of perturbed ensemble members (excluding control) |
| 50 |
50 | Integration time step | 20 min for leg 1 and 45 min for leg 2 | 30 min |
Top of model - model section | ~0.01hPa | ~5hPa |
Is model coupled to an ocean model? | Yes | No |
If yes, please describe ocean model briefly including any ensemble perturbations applied | NEMO 1deg, 5 different ocean analyses |
Additional comments |
3. Initial conditions and Perturbations |
Data assimilation method for control analysis |
4D-Var 12h window |
| 4D-Var 12h window |
Resolution of model used to generate control analysis | TL1279L137 | TL799L91 |
Control variables used in data assimilation | N/A | N/A |
Ensemble initial perturbation strategy | Singular Vectors (Total energy norm) and ensemble of data assimilations (EDA) | Singular Vectors (Total energy norm) |
Optimisation time in forecast (if applicable) |
T+48 |
| T+48 |
Horizontal resolution of perturbations (if different from model resolution) | singular vectors T42L91 and TL399L137 for EDA | T42L62 |
Initial perturbed area | global | Extra tropical (<30S, >30N) + up to 6 tropical areas |
Are perturbations to observations employed? (Y/N) |
YYYes | No |
Perturbations added to control analysis or derived directly from ensemble analysis | Added | Added |
Perturbations in +/- pairs? (Y/N) |
Y | Yes |
Additional comments | N/A | N/A |
4. Model Uncertainty Perturbations |
Is model physics perturbed? If yes, briefly describe method(s). | Y. Uses Stochastically Perturbed Parameterization Tendencies (SPPT) and Stochastic Kinetic Energy Backscatter (SKEB) | Y. Stochastic perturbation of physics tendency by factor in range [0.5,1.5] |
Do all ensemble members use exactly the same model version, or are, for example, different |
parameterization parameterisation schemes used? Please describe any differences. |
| Same |
Same | Is model dynamics perturbed? If yes, briefly describe method(s). |
NN | Are the above model uncertainty perturbations applied to the control forecast? |
| No |
Additional comments | N/A | N |
Additional comments/A |
5. Surface Boundary Perturbations |
Perturbations to sea-surface temperature? If yes, briefly describe method(s). |
YYes, 5 different ocean analyses |
NNo |
Perturbations to soil moisture? If yes, briefly describe method(s). |
YNNo |
Perturbations to surface wind stress or roughness? If yes, briefly describe method(s). |
NN | NAny other surface perturbations? If yes, briefly describe method(s). |
N | No |
Are the above surface perturbations applied to the control forecast? |
| N/A |
Additional comments | N/A |
Additional commentsN/A |
6. Other details of model |
Description of model grids. |
| Linear grid |
Linear grid | List of model levels in appropriate coordinates |
http://old.ecmwf.int/products/data/technical/model_levels/model_def_91.html | http://www.ecmwf.int/products/data/technical/model_levels/model_def_62.htmlSpectral semi-lagrangian | What kind of boundary layer parametrization is in use? |
See https://software.ecmwf.int/wiki/display/IFS/CY40R1+Official+IFS+Documentation#CY40R1OfficialIFSDocumentation-IV.Physicalprocesses |
| Moist EDMF with Klein/Hartmann stratus/shallow convection criteria IFS documentation |
What kind of convection parametrization is in use? |
Tiedtke 89, Bechtold et al 2004 (QJ), see IFS documentation link above |
| Tiedtke 89, Bechtold et al 2004 (QJ) which improved the triggering IFS documentation |
What kind of large-scale precipitation scheme is in use? |
see link above |
What Cloud scheme is in use? |
see IFS documentation link above |
| Tiedtke 93 prognostic cloud fraction IFS documentation |
What kind of land-surface scheme is in use? |
, see link aboveHTESSEL | How is radiation parametrized? |
See link aboveSee http://www.ecmwf.int/research/ifsdocs_old/PHYSICS/Chap2_Radiation2.html#959602 |
Other relevant details? |
| N/A |
7. Regional Ensemble specifics |
| N/A |
Regional domain descriptor (lat/long of boundaries) |
Normal source of boundary conditions |
Are boundary conditions perturbed? |
Specification of boundary conditions required. |
Are boundary condition requirements compatible with any other global models or standards? If so, please describe |
Are initial conditions downscaled from a global analysis or is a regional analysis used? |
Is regional ensemble a downscaling of global ensemble perturbations, or are specific regional perturbations calculated? |
Additional comments |
Scientific contact |
| ECMWF Service Desk |
URLs for Scientific documentation |
| IFS documentation |
Technical contact point |
| ECMWF Service Desk |
URLs for Technical documentation |
| IFS documentation |
Other contact points |
List key reference papers for model | List key reference papers for EPS | (a) Buizza, R., & Palmer, T. N., 1995: The singular-vector structure of the atmospheric general circulation. J. Atmos. Sci., 52, 9, 1434-1456. (b) Molteni,F., Buizza,R., Palmer,T.N. and Petroliagis,T., 1996: The ECMWF Ensemble Prediction System: Methodology and Validation Q.J.R Meteorol.Soc. (1996) Vol 122, pp 73-119. (c) Buizza, R., Miller, M., & Palmer, T. N., 1999a: Stochastic representation of model uncertainties in the ECMWF Ensemble Prediction System. Q. J. R. Meteorol. Soc., 125, 2887-2908. (d) Buizza, R., Bidlot, J.-R., Wedi, N., Fuentes, M., Hamrud, M., Holt, G., & Vitart, F., 2007: The new ECMWF VAREPS (Variable Resolution Ensemble Prediction System). Q. J. Roy. Meteorol. Soc., 133, 681-695. | (a)
| ECMWF Service Desk |
URLs for system documentation |
| User guide to ECMWF forecast products |
Data policy of originating centre for usage of data in TIGGE |
| Users of the ECMWF data sets are requested to reference the source of the data in any publication, e.g. "ECMWF ERA-40 data used in this study/project have been provided by ECMWF/have been obtained from the ECMWF Data Server". |
Version Identifier Code |
Date of first forecast in TIGGE |
| 1st October 2006 |
Data time of first forecast run in TIGGE |
| 0 Z |
Date of last forecast in TIGGE |
| N/A |
Data time of last forecast run in TIGGE |
| N/A |
Is there a higher-resolution control forecast included in TIGGE? If so give tab name where it is described. | Yes, there is a control forecast run at TL639 and a high resolution forecast run at TL1279 | Yes, there is a control forecast run at T399 and a high resolution forecast run at T799 |