The Land cover classification gridded maps from 1992 to present derived from satellite observations netCDF files present issues for the coordinate reference system (CRS) using GDAL and QGIS:
- gdalinfo returns the coordinates, but the CRS remains undefined.
- gdalsrsinfo gives an error retrieving the CRS information.
- In QGIS 3.x, the standard Layer -> Add Layer -> Add Raster Layer on the whole file should give an option to select the different data layers (subdataset) instead it returns: "Invalid Layer: Raster layer Provider is not valid"
As work-around until the format is improved, we suggest users to try:
Layer -> Add Layer -> Add Raster Layer pick the .nc file using the file browser then edit the path to the file by prefixing it with "NETCDF:" and appending it with colon ":" and the subdataset name. For instance, editing the text box to will open the lccs_class layer, with a warning about the CRS (it falls back to EPSG:4326 or geographic lat/lon with WGS84, which is the right CRS).