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The aerosol climatology was derived from the CAMS interim Reanalysis and its control run (Flemming et al. 2017) as described in Bozzo et al. (2019). The data set is based on the modelled aerosol mixing ratios of the control run, which were scaled to match the Aerosol Optical Depth (AOD) analyses of the CAMS interim Reanalysis (Data assimilation of MODIS AOD). It contains monthly mean 3D mass mixing ratios of desert dust (3 size bins), seas salt (3 size bins), organic matter, black carbon and sulphate as represented by the IFS-AER aerosol scheme (Remy et al. 2019) .
The file provides the optical parameters needed for the implementation of the radiative effect of the CAMS aerosol species in the ECMWF radiation scheme. The file also provides the optical properties for a set of 20 individual wavelengths covering the visible and near-infrared spectral range.
All files can be found here:
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title | Table 1: CAMS aerosol climatology parameters. |
Parameters | Units |
Black Carbon hydrophilic | kg m-2 | Black Carbon hydrophobic | kg m-2 | Half level delta pressure | Pa | Air pressure | Pa | Mineral dust bin 11 layer-integrated mass | kg m-2 | Mineral dust bin 2 2 layer-integrated mass | kg m-2 | Mineral dust bin 33 layer-integrated mass | kg m-2 | Hydrophilic mineral dust layer-integrated mass | kg m-2 | Hydrophobic mineral dust layer-integrated mass | kg m-2 | Sea salt bin 1 layer-integrated mass | kg m-2 | Sea salt bin 2 layer-integrated mass | kg m-2 | Sea salt bin 3 layer-integrated mass | kg m-2 | Sulfates layer-integrated mass | kg m-2 |
1This bin contains particles with dry radius in the range 0.03-0.5 microns. 2This bin contains particles with dry radius in the range 0.5-5.0 microns. 3This bin contains particles with dry radius in the range 5.0-20.0 microns. |
Rémy, S., Kipling, Z., Flemming, J., Boucher, O., Nabat, P., Michou, M., Bozzo, A., Ades, M., Huijnen, V., Benedetti, A., Engelen, R., Peuch, V.-H., and Morcrette, J.-J.: Description and evaluation of the tropospheric aerosol scheme in the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) Integrated Forecasting System (IFS-AER, cycle 45R1), Geosci. Model Dev., 12, 4627–4659,, 2019.
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