Changes introduced during production affecting the quality of the products
real date | exp date | description of change |
20121005 | 20121001 | Start of high resolution NRT CO2 FC |
20130110 | 20130105 | Change in experiment lag: running in the afternoon (after DCDA analysis is complete) instead of morning (after completion of early delivery) and it runs one day behind in order to be able to use the GFAS fire emissions from the same day. Previously it run in real time but it had to get the fire emissions from the previous day. |
20130110 | 20130105 | Change of meteorogical analysis: use of the delayed mode analysis (DCDA) instead of the early delivery (DA). |
20130201 | 20130131 | Change host from c1a to c2a: same branch with only a few changes in scripts to adapt CY38R1 to c2a (branch: paf_CY38R1_RELAX_MACC_FC_COUPLEDWITHCTESSEL_C2A). Note: results are not bit idential. |
Flux updates
real date | expdate | description of change |