- ECF_LOGHOST: the name of the log server host
- ECF_LOGPORT : the port used by the log server (typically we use 9316)
- ECF_LOGPATH : main path where the scripts may be found below, on the target host e.g. export ECF_LOGPATH=path1:path2:path3
- ECF_LOGMAP : indicates the log server how to transform the file name to retrieve the file locally, e.g. export ECFLOGMAP=path1:path1:path1:local1:path2:path2:path2:local2 This indicates that a mapping between local1 by path1 from the file name when name fits, or local2 by path2 ..., path1 is local to the target host, and local1 is local to the ecFlow server. The log server is launched on the target host (ECFLOGHOSTECF_LOGHOST).
You can contact the log server manually using: