This python segment show how to load a text based suite definition(cron.def) and simulate it in python.
Code Block |
language | py |
title | How to simulate a text based definition |
import ecflow
defs = Defs("cron,def")
result = defs.simulate()
assert len(result) == 0, "Expected simulation to return without any errors, but found:\n" + result |
This simulation is expected to fail, since we have a deadlock/ race condition
Code Block |
suite dead_lock
family family
task t1
trigger t2 == complete
task t2
trigger t1 == complete
endsuite |
Code Block |
language | py |
title | siumuate a deadlock. Create definition in python |
| import ecflow
defs = ecflow.Defs().add(
Task("t1").add( Trigger(t2 == complete)),
Task("t2").add( Trigger(t1 == complete)))))
theResult = defs.simulate(); # simulate the definition
assert len(theResult) != 0, "Expected simulation to return errors"
print theResult |