- via the web using the ECMWF data server web interface:http://apps.ecmwf.int/datasets/data/cams-gfas/
- or through WebAPI, which is the method allowing users to download CAMS data in a programmatic way (using Python - example scripts are available).
The latest daily Fire Radiative Power (FRP) analysis from GFAS is available here
Known issues
- 19 December 2016: Aqua and Terra MODIS FRP data changed from collection 5 to collection 6.
- 8-9 August 2016: no Aqua MODIS data available leading to reduced GFAS emissions over Africa and South America - all other regions seem to be unaffected.
- 22 April 2016: Terra MODIS data reintroduced to GFAS processing.
- 1 March 2016: Terra MODIS removed from GFAS processing.
- 24 February - 4 March 2016: anomalous FRP values associated with degraded Terra MODIS data being used in GFAS.
- Updated 20 September 2016: GFAS FRP values for these dates have been recalculated using Aqua MODIS data only and have replaced the anomalous values in the GFAS catalogue. For users that have downloaded the GFAS data for these dates, we recommend to download them again.