Column | Name (header) | Different name in installed version (5a) | Units | Description |
1 | time | s | the elapsed time in seconds since the middle point of the release interval | |
2 | meanLon | degrees | mean longitude position for all the particles | |
3 | meanLat | degrees | mean latitude position for all the particles | |
4 | meanZ | m | mean height for all the particles (above sea level) | |
5 | meanTopo | m | mean topography underlying all the particles | |
6 | meanPBL | meanABL | m | mean PBL (Planetary Boundary Layer) height for all the particles (above ground level) |
7 | meanTropo | m | mean tropopause height at the positions of particles (above sea level) | |
98 | meanPv | PVU | mean potential vorticity for all the particles | |
109 | rmsHBefore | km | total horizontal RMS (root mean square) distance before clustering | |
1110 | rmsHAfter | km | total horizontal RMS distance after clustering | |
1211 | rmsVBefore | m | total vertical RMS distance before clustering | |
1312 | rmsVAfter | m | total vertical RMS distance after clustering | |
1413 | pblFract | ablFract | % | fraction of particles in the PBL |
1514 | pv2Fract | startoFract | % | fraction of particles with PV<2pvu |
1615 | tropoFract | % | fraction of particles within the troposphere | |
1716* | clLon_N | degrees | mean longitude position for all the particles in cluster N | |
1817* | clLat_N | degrees | mean latitude position for all the particles in cluster N | |
1918* | clZ_N | m | mean height for all the particles in cluster N (above sea level) | |
2019* | clFract_N | % | fraction of particles in cluster N (above sea level) | |
2120* | clRms_N | km | total horizontal RMS distance in cluster N |
Columns 1716-21 20 get repeated for each cluster.