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title07-11-2017 New ISAC fixed reforecast set

New fixed ISAC reforecast set was added to S2S archive. The new model version date it relates to is 2017-06-08. The new reforecasts contain now newly perturbed outputs as well and the lead time has been extended to +32 days. The data availability can be discovered as usually via the dedicated S2S data portal at ECMWF.

title03-11-2017 Update on the data issues in Meteo-France outputs

The Meteo-France ssrd field is actually correct. The issue described previously only concerns the French seasonal forecast system but not the S2S one. However there is a newly acknowledged 10-meter wind fields issue - both the zonal and meridian components are effectively wrong. For more details go to the data issues page.

title01-11-2017 New JMA fixed reforecast set

New fixed JMA reforecast set was added to S2S archive. The new model version date it relates to is 2017-01-31. Comparing to the previous set of JMA reforecasts (with the preivous model version date 2014-03-04)  it has two more year longer reforecast period 1981-2012. The data availability can be discovered as usually via the dedicated S2S data portal at ECMWF.

title19-10-2017 Issues with some pressure level KMA data fixed

The problems with U/V  and geopotential fields (500 hPa and higher levels only) in pressure level outputs from KMA were fixed. The affected data in MARS was re-archived (period between the 29th March and end of August, 2017). For more details, please visit the page about Issues with data.


title09-10-2017 Issue with data (Meteo-France, ssrd)

All surface solar radiation downwards (ssrd) data  from Meteo-France is wrong.  Please see update from 03-11-2017 above. For more details go  to the data issues page.
