The macro to visualise the residence time on a given level is 'plot_time_step1.mv'.
In the macro first we define the level (700 m) and the parameter ("fprt") we want to plot. Then we call the flexpart_filter() to extract the data for all the timesteps:
In this step we will plot the total residence time summed up for the bottom 500m layer.
The macro to use is 'plot_time_layerstep2.mv'. This macro is basically the same as the one in Step 1, but the data access and processing go like this:
Step 3 - Total residence time in the whole atmospheric column
Macro 'plot_time_totalstep3.mv' shows how to plot the total residence time for the whole atmospheric column. It goes exactly like Step 2 but we need to omit top_level and bottom_level in the flexpart_total_column() call:
In this step we will plot the total residence time summed up for the whole period for the bottom 500m layer.
The macro to use is 'plot_time_layer_periodstep4.mv'. This macro is basically the same as the one in Step 2, but after calling flexpart_total_column() we call sum()
to sum up the fields over time:
In this step we will plot the total residence time summed up for the whole period for the whole atmospheric column.
The macro to use is 'plot_time_total_periodstep5.mv'. This macro is basically the same as the one in Step 3, but after calling flexpart_total_column() we call sum()
to sum up the fields over time: