Gridded outputs are converted to grib using local grib definitions built into Metview.
Info |
Please note that METVIEW uses a value scaling for the Metview scales the values for contour plots of gridded FLEXPART data. This scaling is only enabled when the Grid Scaling For Retrieved Fields parameter is set to on (this is the default value) in the Contouring icon. See the "Contouring units" column the tables below to find out how the scaling works for a given parameter. |
The FLEXPART grib files has have their own local section (Section 2) containing additional information about the given field and the FLEXPART simulation itself. The snapshot below taken from Metview's grib examiner Grib Examiner shows the currently defined set of keys in Section 2.
Concentration fields
Concentration fields are only produced for forward simulations when Output Field Type is set to conc or both in FLEXPART Run.
Options in FLEXPART Run | Description | GRIB shortname | GRIB paramId | GRIB units | Contouring units |
receptor_units=mass | mass concentration | conc | 20001 | kg m**-3 | ng m**-3 |
receptor_units=mixr | mass mixing ratio | mxrm | 20002 | kg kg**-1 | ppt (mass) |
Volume mixing ratio fields
Volume mixing ratio fields are only produced for forward simulations when Output Field Type is set to mixr or both in FLEXPART Run.
Description | GRIB shortname | GRIB paramId | GRIB units | Contouring units |
volume mixing ratio | mxrv | 20052 | mol mol**-1 | ppt (volume) |
Dry and wet deposition fields
These fields are only produced for forward simulations when Output Field Type is set to conc, mixr or both in FLEXPART Run. They are always inserted into the concentration or/and volume mixing ratio files.
Description | GRIB shortname | GRIB paramId | GRIB units | Contouring units |
dry deposition | fdd | 20197 | kg m**-2 | ng m**-2 |
wet deposition | fwd | 20198 | kg m**-2 | ng m**-2 |
Flux fields
These fields are only produced for forward simulations when Output Flux is set to on in FLEXPART Run. The output filename is:
Description | GRIB shortname | GRIB paramId | GRIB units | Contouring units |
eastward flux | feflux | 20199 | kg m**-2 s**-1 | ng m**-2 s**-1 |
westward flux | fwflux | 20200 | kg m**-2 s**-1 | ng m**-2 s**-1 |
southward flux | fnflux | 20201 | kg m**-2 s**-1 | ng m**-2 s**-1 |
northward flux | fsflux | 20202 | kg m**-2 s**-1 | ng m**-2 s**-1 |
upward flux | fuflux | 20203 | kg m**-2 s**-1 | ng m**-2 s**-1 |
downward flux | fdflux | 20204 | kg m**-2 s**-1 | ng m**-2 s**-1 |
Residence time/response fields
These fields are only produced for backward simulations when Output Field Type is set to rtime in FLEXPART Run. The output filename is:
where SSS is the species number (with leading zeros).
Plume trajectories
Trajectories are produced when Output Trajectory is set to on in FLEXPART Run. The ASCII file generated by FLEXPART is split according to releases and converted into another (CSV) format that is better suited to metview. The output filenames are: