Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Now the initial files with the correct experiment ID have been prepared, further modifications to the input files can be made.

To modify the SST parameterfor example, please see other tutorialthe tutorial on 'Modifying the SST'.

Creating the forecast experiment

Once the initial data directory is prepared, the next step is to create the experiment directory structure where the model will run from. This is not the same location as the initial files just created.

To setup create the experiment directory structure, use the 'createEX' command. To see what arguments it takes, use the command:


Code Block
createEX --date 2015110100 -e ob00ob01

This would repeat create the ob00 ob01 forecast directories for a single date. The default is to create the experiment directory in your 'scratch' directory with the same name as the experiment id. e.g $HOME/scratch/ob01.

New experiment: ob01 - single data, 5 members


Code Block
troifs0@cca-login3:~> createEX -d 2015110100 -e ob01 -i scratch/inidir -m 54

Note, one ensemble member '00' (or a 'control') is always created, so the -m argument gives the number of additional ensemble forecasts.

This which generates the output:

Code Block
Creating directory structure for experiment ob01 in directory /scratch/ectrain/troifs0/ob01/...
Date :  2015110100
Copying files from directory (inidir):  scratch/inidir
Date:  2015110100
Created forecast experiment directory : /scratch/ectrain/troifs0/ob01/2015110100/00/
Linking files and copying namelist.
Using IFS data directory: /fwsm/lb/project/openifs/ifsdata/
Created forecast experiment directory : /scratch/ectrain/troifs0/ob01/2015110100/01/
Linking files and copying namelist.
Using IFS data directory: /fwsm/lb/project/openifs/ifsdata/
Created forecast experiment directory : /scratch/ectrain/troifs0/ob01/2015110100/02/
Linking files and copying namelist.
Using IFS data directory: /fwsm/lb/project/openifs/ifsdata/
Created forecast experiment directory : /scratch/ectrain/troifs0/ob01/2015110100/03/
Linking files and copying namelist.
Using IFS data directory: /fwsm/lb/project/openifs/ifsdata/
Created forecast experiment directory : /scratch/ectrain/troifs0/ob01/2015110100/04/
Linking files and copying namelist.
Using IFS data directory: /fwsm/lb/project/openifs/ifsdata/
Created forecast experiment directory All done: /scratch/ectrain/troifs0/ob01/2015110100/05/
Linking files and copying namelist.
Using IFS data directory: /fwsm/lb/project/openifs/ifsdata/
All done: /scratch/ectrain/troifs0/ob01/ ready.

Directory structure


Code Block
troifs0@ccb-login3:> cd scratch/ob01/2015110100
troifs0@ccb-login3:> ls
00  03  ICMCLob50INIT   ICMSHob50INIT  specwavein       wam_subgrid_0
01  04  ICMGGob50INIT   cdwavein       uwavein          wam_subgrid_1
02   05   ICMGGob50INIUA  sfcwindin      wam_grid_tables  wam_subgrid_2

Each member will be run in the numbered directories:  "00", "01", "02", "03", and "04", and "05". These contain:

Code Block
troifs0@ccb-login3:> ls -l 00
total 16
lrwxrwxrwx 1 troifs0 ectrain   52 May 25 18:15 255l_2 -> /fwsm/lb/project/openifs/ifsdata/40r1/climate/255l_2
lrwxrwxrwx 1 troifs0 ectrain   16 May 25 18:15 ICMCLob50INIT -> ../ICMCLob50INIT
lrwxrwxrwx 1 troifs0 ectrain   16 May 25 18:15 ICMGGob50INIT -> ../ICMGGob50INIT
lrwxrwxrwx 1 troifs0 ectrain   17 May 25 18:15 ICMGGob50INIUA -> ../ICMGGob50INIUA
lrwxrwxrwx 1 troifs0 ectrain   16 May 25 18:15 ICMSHob50INIT -> ../ICMSHob50INIT
lrwxrwxrwx 1 troifs0 ectrain   11 May 25 18:15 cdwavein -> ../cdwavein
-rw-r----- 1 troifs0 ectrain 9886 May 25 18:15 fort.4
lrwxrwxrwx 1 troifs0 ectrain   49 May 25 18:15 ifsdata -> /fwsm/lb/project/openifs/ifsdata/40r1/climatology
lrwxrwxrwx 1 troifs0 ectrain   40 May 25 18:15 rtables -> /fwsm/lb/project/openifs/ifsdata/rtables
lrwxrwxrwx 1 troifs0 ectrain   12 May 25 18:15 sfcwindin -> ../sfcwindin
lrwxrwxrwx 1 troifs0 ectrain   13 May 25 18:15 specwavein -> ../specwavein
lrwxrwxrwx 1 troifs0 ectrain   10 May 25 18:15 uwavein -> ../uwavein
lrwxrwxrwx 1 troifs0 ectrain   18 May 25 18:15 wam_grid_tables -> ../wam_grid_tables
-rw-r----- 1 troifs0 ectrain 2220 May 25 18:15 wam_namelist
lrwxrwxrwx 1 troifs0 ectrain   16 May 25 18:15 wam_subgrid_0 -> ../wam_subgrid_0
lrwxrwxrwx 1 troifs0 ectrain   16 May 25 18:15 wam_subgrid_1 -> ../wam_subgrid_1
lrwxrwxrwx 1 troifs0 ectrain   16 May 25 18:15 wam_subgrid_2 -> ../wam_subgrid_2


Running the forecast experiment

The command 'oifs_run' is normally used to create and submit the batch job to run the model. This command has a large number of options. For this workshop, this command has been configured with the correct defaults for the T255 resolution seasonal length forecasts.

However, it would need to be run in each forecast member directory, which would be tedious.

The command 'run_all_ens' has been created to speed up submitting the batch jobs to run all the forecast members with one command.


Setting the ensemble member

The command 'run_all_ens' does this step, this section provides further informationno action is needed. This section explains the use of the ensemble member number by IFS.

In IFS, each ensemble member uses the stochastic physics schemes scheme to generate uncertainty. A random number 'seed' is used by the stochastic scheme to generate a different forecast.

This random number seed is changed by altering the ensemble member value, NENSFNB, in the model's namelist file, fort.4. Each ensemble member must have a unique number and therefore random number seed, in order to produce a different forecast.


Create and submit Cray batch job

This step is done by the run_all_ens command. No user action is needed. This section provide more information on the oifs_run command.

To create the batch job, use the oifs_run command. This creates a small batch job file ready to submit.

The run_all_ens command runs this command for each ensemble member, but you You may need to use the oifs_run command if the batch job script 'job' in each ensemble directory needs to be recreated. Note if


If you need to rerun the experiment, with no changes, simply resubmit the job with the command: qsub job, rather than use oifs_run to recreate the job.

titleoifs_run command

oifs_run -e exptid  [-l namelist] [-f fcast len]

The common arguments to use are: -e, -l, -f. Other options are available which can usually be left to their default values.

Note!  the -f argument, the length of the forecast can be specified in various units: for example d10 means '10 days'.


These are the model output files. There is 1 per output step. In these experiments the output interval is every 12 hours. It can be changed in the namelist, fort.4 but it's strongly recommended for these workshop, to keep the output interval at 12 hrs as this saves storage space.

After the The command qstatu command   shows that the status of the submitted job. When a job completes it will no longer appear in the batch queue.

After the job has completed, there will be a job has completed, there will be a 'batch log file' in the ensemble directory:

Code Block
titleExample batch job logfile

Using your favourite text editor, check Check this file to make sure the model has run correctly.  It's usually best to start from the bottom of the file and scroll up.


the model run has failed.

The output from each model run goes into a directory named 'output1'. The '1' here is the run number and can be changed.

If the model fails, there are 2 files to look at in the 'output' directory:


titleContents of output directory after successful run

When the model completes the forecast successfully, the following files will be found in the output directory. ICMSH are the spectral fields, ICMGG are the gridpoint fields.

ICMGGclim_10u  ICMGGclim_ci    ICMGGclim_lsp   ICMGGclim_sd    ICMGGclim_sst   ICMGGclim_stl4   ICMGGclim_swvl3  ICMGGclim_tsr   ICMSHclim_sp  NODE.001_01

ICMGGclim_10v  ICMGGclim_cp    ICMGGclim_msl   ICMGGclim_slhf  ICMGGclim_stl1  ICMGGclim_str    ICMGGclim_swvl4  ICMGGclim_ttr   ICMSHclim_t   ifs.stat

ICMGGclim_2d   ICMGGclim_e     ICMGGclim_nsss  ICMGGclim_sshf  ICMGGclim_stl2  ICMGGclim_swvl1  ICMGGclim_tcc    ICMSHclim_d     ICMSHclim_vo  oifs.log

ICMGGclim_2t   ICMGGclim_ewss  ICMGGclim_q     ICMGGclim_ssr   ICMGGclim_stl3  ICMGGclim_swvl2  ICMGGclim_tp     ICMSHclim_lnsp  ICMSHclim_z

Postprocessing: preparing


monthly means for


plotting with Metview

The next step is to take process the output of the successful run and prepare it for the Metview based exercises.As the data files and Metview scripts have been optimized by selecting specific areas, we have made a script available to do the work.create the monthly mean fields that can be transferred to ICTP for plotting using Metview.

A command, oifs_to_mv, is available to compute the monthly mean fields ready to be plotted. This command uses a metview script to do the processing.

The command takes a small number of arguments. For example, for an experiment labelled 'ob01', located in ~/scratch/ob01, type this command:

Code Block
titleTo prepare the OpenIFS output for Metview, run this command:
 oifs_to_mv -e 00

This will generate files in scratch/metview.

If errors are encountered please let us know. If the command completes successfully (it will take a while), this task is complete. There is no need to inspect the files.


This script may take a few minutes to run.

 ob01 -d 2015110100 -i ~/scratch/ob01

The post-processing step can take some time to complete

This command only processes one date at a time. It needs to be run separately for multiple dates in the same experiment id.

Monthly mean files

After the oifs_to_mv command finishes, the monthly mean files can be found in the directory 'mmeans' inside the top level date directory. For example, for experiment id ob01, date 2015110100, the directory is: ob01/2015110100/mmeans.

Inside this directory, there is one file per parameter with 5 monthly averages: Dec, Jan, Feb, March and April, with filenames for example as: oif_ob01_u_20151101_00.grib.

Transfer to ICTP classroom PCs

The monthly mean Once the script has finished, the results files can be transferred to ICTP with the ftp command, to be used on the classroom PC with metview.
