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| This tutorial explains how to create a new experiment from an existing one by copying the initial files and setting up the experiment directory. |
ECMWF HPCFECMWF operates a Cray based High Performance Computing Facility (HPCF). It consists of two identical Cray XC40 clusters with their own storage, but with equal access to the high performance working storage of the other cluster. This provides the benefit of having one very large system but the dual clusters add significantly to the resiliency of the system. For more details about the ECMWF HPCF, please see: All the OpenIFS experiments will make use of the ECMWF HPCF. During the workshop you will login to the 'front-end' machines and submit 'batch job's to the HPCF. Scripts The scripts described below are provided and described below to make preparing and submitting ensemble batch jobs easier. Useful commands are listed at the end of this tutorial. |
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In this example, we want to use a new experiment id, ob01, to distinguish it from ob00.
Choose a starting date from the range 1st Nov to 15th Nov (00Z)
Make First step is to make a copy of the ob00 data to your /scratch directory:
Code Block |
language | bash |
title | Copy previous initial data from previous experiment ...(choose a date from 1-15th Nov) |
cd scratch # starting from your home directory
mkdir -p inidir/ob01 # our new experiment id
cd inidir/ob01
cp -rL /perm/rd/openifs/oifs_workshop_2017/expts-inidata/ob00/2015110100 . # those last characters are a 'space' and then a 'fullstop', '.' means "here". |