- 1999: PhD degree in Oceanography Meteorology: "Representation des interactions sol-plantplante-atmosphre dans le modele de circulation generale du LMD" , University Paris 6, Pierre et Marie Curie
- 1994: Master degree in Oceanology, Meteorology and Environment, University Paris 6, Pierre et Marie Curie
- 1993: Master degree in Fluid Mechanics, University Paris 6, Pierre et Marie Curie
Professional experience
- 2007-present European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts, UK
2016-present: Senior Scientist, Coupled Assimilation Team Leader, Earth System Assimilation Section
2013-present2014: Senior Scientist, Land Surface Data Assimilation (LDAS) Team Leader, Data Assimilation Section
2011-2013: Senior Scientist, Consultant, Land Surface Analysis, Data Assimilation Section
2008-2011: Scientist, Consultant, Land Surface Analysis, Data Assimilation Section
2007-2008: Scientist Consultant, for the SMOS global monitoring and data assimilation study (ESA contract)
- 2002-2007 Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), France
(Research scientist / chargée de recherche) at the Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales de la BIOsphère (CESBIO), Toulouse: Multi-scale approcoache of soil moisture dynamics: from field and remote sensing experiments to soil-plant-atmosphre modeling. Work under the SMOS and the AMMA projects
2001 - 2002: project PROMISE (Predictability and variability of monsoons and the agricultural and hydrological impacts of climate change) pour la modélisation et l'études des interactions entre l'irrigation en Inde et la circulation de mousson.
1999 - 2001: Post-doctoral position under a CNES contract in the context of the SMOS project. ''Etudes pour le développement d'un schéma d'assimilation de la température de brillance en bande L à l'aide du modèle de surface SECHIBA. Problème direct.''
Collaboration with USDA hydrology laboratory (1 month stay at USDA supervised by Tom Schmugge).
1998 - 1999: European Project ''Climate and Land Degradation'' (Contrat CNRS ENV4-CT97-0696)
1994-1999: PhD Student at LMD funded by the French ministry of research