- Each netCDF4 file contains a single output variable (along with coordinate/grid variables, attributes and other metadata) from a single model and a single simulation (i.e., from a single ensemble member and a single start date)
- Recommended maximum file size of 4GB
A file containing a hash created with sha256sum should be created for each file
Code Block language bash title Create hash files sha256sum filename.nc > filename.sha256
File Naming
<institution<institute_id>_<model_id tag>_<forecast_type>_<start date identifier>_<modelling realm>_<frequency>_<level_type>_<variable name>_<ensemble member>.nc
<model_id_tag> as it is defined in the description of the "source" global attribute
<institution<institute_id>, <forecast_type>, <modelling_realm>, <frequency> and <level_type> coming from the global attributes of the same name