To access the SCM interface metview_new has to be used. It can be started up by typing
metview_new metview &
on the command line.
Copy the tutorial files
This icon allows the generation of the following plot types (specified in the Scm Plot Type parameter) :
Time Height Matrix | |
Time Value Curve | |
Profile |
Visualising a parameter as a time/value curve
Set the following parameters:
Scm Plot Type | Time Value Curve |
Scm Output 1d Variables | Liquid Water Path |
Make sure that only your desired variable is selected - you will have to de-select t_skin. Save the icon and right-click Visualise it to get an on-screen plot.
Try the following settings to obtain a matrix plot:
Scm Plot Type | Time Height Matrix |
Scm Output 2d Variables | Lw Radiative Flux |
If comparing two SCM runs, the first will be represented with coloured shading, whilst the second will be drawn with isolines only.
To obtain a set of profiles, try these settings:
Scm Plot Type | Profile |
Scm Output 2d Variables | Temperature |
The Profile option produces a set of curves, with the intensity of the line colour representing the time step (the most intense, and dashed, line is time zero; the profiles become more faded as they go further into the future). The Scm Times parameter specifies the time slices to use (specified in minutes).