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 Status:Ongoing analysis Material from: Mohamed, Linus



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Discussed in the following Daily reports:



1. Impact

The In March 2017 northern Peru was hit by severe flooding. The rainfall is suggested to be linked to a warm SST anomaly along the coast (coastal El Nino)floods and land slides hit West Peru (mainly in Lima) due to heavy rainfall. More than 70 people have died and thousands lost their homes. The enhanced rainfall activity is likely to be connected with abnormal high temperature anomalies in Northern West coast of Peru (around 4.5 C). The rain is mainly affecting coastal areas dominated by relatively high orography.northern Peru was hit by severe flooding.


3.5 Comparison with other centres

3.6 EFAS

Glofas flood forecast are clearly flagging the areas affected by the floods even tough the catchments are relatively small .

Image AddedImage Added

(Left) Reporting points exceeding 20 years return period. product based on 22/03/2017
(Right) Hydrograph for Lima

4. Experience from general performance/other cases
