For decades, most of weather moored buoys have been reporting their data onto the GTS in FM13 SHIP code. For a few months, some of these data are converted in FM94 BUFR according to template TM308009 (B/C10 - ship data). They are so transmitted in both codes, in parallel. Tropical moored buoys (TAO, PIRATA and RAMA networks) using Argos as communication system report their data in FM18 BUOY. and FM94 BUFR in parallel. The unvalidated template for data buoys is used in this latter case. Some morred buoy networks, operated by non-meteorlogical agencies, transmit their data in BUFR only, according to the unvalidated template for buoy data. They did not spend time and money to develope develop the transmission with the near-obsolete dataformat FM18 BUOY.
The table here above shows the way through which tropical moored buoy data are sent onto the GTS (messages received at Meteo-France). BUFR messages using the never validated WMO template have not been checked. A new map, made by ECMWF on data buoy availability may be seen on the drifting buoy page. This map distinguishes moored buoys and drifting buoys (different symbols).
Buoy data received at ECMWF - Report
availability for May 16th, 2016
A map is available on the drifting buoy page. This map concerns both drifting and moored buoys.