Operation between two vectors. op is one of the operators below :
+ Addition | - Subtraction |
* Multiplication | / Division |
^ Power |
The vectors returned by these boolean operators are boolean vectors (containing only 1 where result is true, 0 where it is false) :
> Larger Than | < Smaller Than |
>= Larger or Equal | <= Smaller or Equal |
= Equal | <> Not Equal |
In all of the above operations, a missing value in one of the input vectors results in a corresponding missing value in the output vector.
# copies fields 1, 5, 9, 13, 17 of x into y
Y = X[1,20,4]
vector vector[vector]
Extract a selection of elements from a vector. The vector supplied as the argument provides the set of indices to be used. For example:
v = |10, 20, 30, 40|
i = |2, 1, 3|
r = v[i] # r is now |20, 10, 30|
Excerpt |
vector abs( vector ) |
Takes two vectors, and returns a new vector containing only the values of the first vector where the second vector's values are non-zero and non-missing. Examples:
v1 = filter(v, v>273.15) # returns only the values above 273.15
v2 = filter(v, v <> vector_missing_value) # returns only the non-missing values
Excerpt |
Searches the given vector for a number and returns the index of the first occurrence of it. If an optional third argument is given as the string 'all', then a vector of the indexes of all occurrences of the number is returned. In both cases, if the number is not contained in the vector, nil is returned.
Excerpt |
vector int( vector ) |